
October 10, 2011

Girls Day Out

Halo, I had a fun day out with my girlfriends Fenny & Fika ;D 
Ok here were the important plans of the day: Watch Kungfu Panda 2 and grab all-you-can-eat dinner at Samudra BRI. Let's go!
Before buying the movie tix

FenFik♥ Felt kinda left out by not wearing blacks like they did :'(

Ice cream time before the movie started!
Nom nom Cream and Fudge's Green Tea Ice Cream topped with pistachio and banana
 Wah Fenny, didn't know how much you love me til I saw these many pictures you took of me lol. Ok yeah, now you all know I got dorky goofy laugh ..very ugly hahaha -next!
Not so goofy anymore, eh? =b
Ice cream and us three!

Ice cream time's over means... Time for KUNGPAN!!
Super cute expression of Po, what? Haha, eh if any of you haven't watch it, YOU SHOULD!! Very effing funny and got my favorite part also (don't worry, no spoiler attached): Nostalgic past scenes!! ;D
Kay, after getting stomach cramps for laughing out loud over the movie (an animated movie for us animation students, yay!), the three of us headed to Samudra BRI for dinner. Time to release our inner gluttony!!
Sorry got no F&B pics because we were too busy eating like Spartans lol.
After dinner, we headed back to Social House Grand Indonesia for some drinks and a little chit-chats some more. But unfortunately, the place was closing by the time we got there because it was the holy month of Ramadan, and here in Jakarta, many businesses close early during the period T___T
Nevermind, nevermind. We girls still found our way to enjoy the night by, of course, taking gazillions of pictures! Hahaha enjoy!

Main Course

Dessert :b
Yes, yes. We still took pictures in Social House even though we paid for nothing loh. Eh, but we WERE going to order, blame the closing-earlier-program (and the nicest, pretend-to-see-nothing waiters) deh XD
Finally kicked ourselves out of the restaurant before someone else does lol.
Manly walk
 Girly pose. Complete with banner, roses and all lol.
Both Fenny and Fika were so cute they asked me to teach them how to pose and stuff (*≧▽≦) Ok so here are the results!

Jessica♥ lol
Hehe ok that's all folks, see ya later on my next post ^_^

© Jessica Yamada 2011

October 05, 2011

Good Evening Black Symphony

Had fun playing with my beautiful dress from GOWIGASA. :)

Finally took off the jacket because it was too hot...

Miss Selfridge Purse and Jeffrey Campbell Ford Shoes

Anyway, have you checked out GOWIGASA's New Arrivals today? If you haven't, just click here to take a peek. ;)


October 03, 2011


You're probably wondering why I used "AH!" as my post title? The truth is, recently I find myself listening to SNSD's songs over and over again, especially "Gee" and "Oh!" (For those of you who haven't heard any of their songs, you have to!! They are very catchy, cute, and entertaining!). Ok so at first, I intended to use "OH!" as the title, BUTTT I looked super weird when I made an "O" with my mouth, that's why I ended up making an A. Lol

Covering my jinong forehead.

//Outfit: GOWIGASA Leopard Outerwear, ZARA Cropped Top, F21 Shorts, ZARA Bag, June+Julia Boots

AH! By the way, finally we got a NEW BANNER for our blog! Love it so much because it's clearly more colorful and our faces are not too zoomed-in (like in the old one) lol. Hope you guys love it too!

And almost forgot, you can now access our blog with just "" ! Our own domain at last - Double YAYS!! :)