
February 14, 2012

Valentine with Hearts

On this lovey-dovey day, I just want to remind you that the most important thing is to love yourself. Stop waiting on someone or something to make you happy, cos true happiness comes from within ourselves. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! :)

My new friends, DAHLIA from All Caps! I just can't get enough of them <3

Oh right, it is a jumpsuit, not a dress.


For this special day, we have a little surprise for you guysss!!
Check this video out, and you'll know what we've been working on hehe, what do you think?


February 09, 2012

Decision and Happiness

In making certain decision, one must always listen to one's heart.

When your heart tells you not to do something, even if it sounds good at the beginning, you better not do it.

If it ends up good, it's fine. But if it doesn't, you might end up blaming yourself or even worse, blaming others -for your own choice.

Why? Because there is no love from the start. You did it for other reasons.

When the decision's already been made -and it sucks, ask yourself:

"Is it my responsibility?"

"Is it my duty?"

If your heart says, "Yes, it is", then stay. Do it. Endure. Skip the next two paragraphs.

But if your heart says that it's not, then RUN.

It's not a bad thing to run from a certain bad situation that does nothing but drive you crazy. In fact, it might be the best decision you ever make in your life.

But if you cannot run from it, if there is not even a slightest possibility to escape (or, you CAN run from it, but you won't because it is your duty or responsibility), then ACCEPT it as your fate. Make peace with it and deal with it.

Quit whining / blaming / being defensive / being grumpy / acting victimized. Endure it with positivity and prayers.

"Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want."
Human brains aren't dead, they learn something new everyday.

Find the bright side in doing it and when you find it, make sure you always keep that in your mind. The positivity that that bright side brings will give you strength in doing it.

Find ways to make yourself happy and feel content. You are a human and you also have your own needs. You cannot be too selfish for doing what you like, as long as nobody gets hurt.

"Work hard, play hard," they say. Gotta keeps things in balance.

Do yourself a favor by feeding your human needs to refresh your mind and body, thus enabling you to treat others better, too.

Remember that happiness is a state of mind and one of the best ways to be happy, aside from being grateful for who you are and what you have, is by making other people happy.

The decision is yours to make :)

© Jessica Yamada 2012

February 02, 2012

Year of the Dragon

I guess it's not too late to say...
Happy Year of the Dragon to those who celebrate, wherever you are in the world!!
I hope you all have a prosperous Chinese New Year and got loads of Ang Pao! :D
As for us, there was nothing special happened on the day of CNY (we just visited and paid our respects to our grandparents and close relatives as usual), so I'm just gonna post what I wore that day!

Had to wear at least one green color on my outfit, which my mom told me is my lucky color this year based on my shio (Chinese Astrology).
Luckily, I found this beautiful top from ZARA at the last minute.

I'm a snake by the way, and Jess is a rabbit --doesn't fit her image at all lol, and apparently, she also had to wear green on this CNY.

ZARA Top, F21 Skirt, Tory Burch Bag, Bershka Shoes, F21 Love Necklace, Disney Couture Bracelet.

Took a pic using Instax Camera from Polaroid House, after watching The Iron Lady (Great movie btw!)


Anyway, today is the 1st day of February!
So we'd like to wish our lovely cousin, Annabelle Valencia a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Three of us with our awesome grandma! ♥

...and also to my dear friend, Wisnu Tejakusuma who shares the same birthday! :D

Old picture, acting like a couple during a photoshoot lol.