
February 27, 2013

Keep Moving Forward

The Editor's Market Sequin Top | Forever21 Skirt | Comfit Shoe Purple Heels | Forever21 Mint Purse

Have you ever felt like the Universe is trying to tell you something?

Every once in a while something strange or should I say, a series of unfortunate events, happens to you that can only mean the Universe is sending you a message. Right now I'm at the point of figuring out what the message is.

But I guess whatever it is, I will always keep moving forward, being positive and have my faith in Him. I believe that what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. That has always been my way of living my life.

"I hope wherever you are, things turned out right. 
But it's never the same, when you lose some, you gain some."

X O X O,
Elle Yamada

February 26, 2013

Bits of Harajuku

Harajuku Station
Some store we visited. Look at all those One Piece 'Wanted' posters! :D
Jess' OOTD. Baby Debby Top, Ombre Knit Sweater, Skull Satchel Bag all by GOWIGASA.
Mother :)
Luffy kun's straw hat!
Got Chopper's hat appearance somehow lol. 

Adidas store. Elle liked #17, Jess liked #6.
YES, Takeshita Street Tokyo's Wildest Shopping Destination! They say it can be extremely crowded in the afternoon to the point that you can barely move. 
Lol, AKB48 is VERY famous in Japan! Well, we guess it applies in Indonesia too, right? ;)
What they (Takeshita Street) are also famous for: CREPES!!
Seriously, they were the BEST crepes we've ever tasted!
Finally experienced the famous Purikura (Japanese photo booth)! We spent one hour taking photos and designing them haha~ lots of FUN! Mom was shopping around the street while waiting for us, in case you're wondering lol.
Cheese Cake and Green Tea Latte at Caffe Solare.
Caffe Solare was so pretty and had a warm atmosphere. It was a really nice place to hang out or just have a peaceful me-time reading books. We even caught a Mangaka sketching there :)
Crazy cute costume at the upstairs of Caffe Solare! :))

It was unfortunate that we got there at night so we didn't have much time to explore all the cool shops. There were some stores that still opened late at night but we had to reach hotel earlier because the next morning's destination was Disneyland, so we had to wake up at like, 6am. :/

But well, there is always next time, right? We bet Takeshita Street in the afternoon would be much more interesting! :))

Anywaysss, we are having a Charity Garage Sale @ UPH Bazaar :D
Click to see our booth location. See you there! :D

Universitas Pelita Harapan MH Thamrin Boulevard, Karawaci, Tangerang 15811, Indonesia
Monday Feb 25 - Friday Mar 01 2013, 09am-16pm

X O X O,
Elle and Jess

February 25, 2013


Introducing: DadaD.
A Japanese pop duo formed by Kate and Shige.
Kate writes the duo's lyrics and acts as the vocalist.
Shige writes and plays the music.


Ride Out
Go Around♡

GAP x DadaD

Image Source: DadaD Official MySpace

February 23, 2013

Out of the Blue

There is nothing better than pulling on a pair of boyfriend jeans and a casual tee for a lazy day! It's been a long time since the last time I wore low-rise jeans. It felt weird at first, but after a while it felt really comfortable. :)

I also wore this electric blue coat to brighten up the whole look. And to add even more color, I added this Fluoro Panel Clutch from The Editor's Market. I really love how bright the color is and I think the design is very futuristic! 8D

For shoes, I slipped into my blue wedges because I don't want to look too sloppy hehe..

LOL, added some balloons with photoshop because I have no idea what the hell my left hand was doing floating like that.

Vivilli Blue Coat | Forever21 Striped Top | ZARA Boyfriend Jeans | The Editor's Market Fluoro Clutch | Steve Madden Blue Wedges | ZARA Sunglasses | ZARA Braided Belt

X O X O,
Elle Yamada

February 21, 2013

Shades of Green + Tokyo Banana

Forever21 Hello Kitty Sweater, Emerald Green Blazer, and Mint Purse | Laceorie Lilac Wedges | Pants from Singapore
Feeling a bit "green-ish" today, so I went with this cute Hello Kitty Sweater in green fluorescent, paired it with my favorite emerald green blazer and finish off with a dainty mint purse :)
To add some patterns, I wore this snake-skin pants I got from Singapore. It also works as a neutral shade, allowing the green colors to pop. And to complete the look, I wore these sweet lilac wedges from Laceorie which match perfectly with the mint purse!

Anyways, you guys might have heard about this super exquisite snack named Tokyo Banana. I first tried it when I went to Japan several months ago, and boy did it taste gooooooood. It smells like... banana paste? I don't know, it just smells very good! And it has this super soft textures– kind of like a sponge cake (I love to press it softly against my lips before I eat it hehee), and the filling is creamy and perfectly sweet, OMG!

The down side is... they are only sold in Japan. That's why I was very happy when I found out that Sugar and Spicy (Indonesian online store) sells them online! So, YES you can satisfy your sweet tooth right away! :D

Thank you, Sugar and Spicy!
Michael Kors Gold Watch

X O X O,
Elle Yamada