
May 28, 2014

Vue Beach Club, Bali Review

When I asked Vincent (my bff who's currently staying in Bali) to suggest a restaurant with a nice view to take pictures, and particularly not crowded, this place came to his mind!

Vue Beach Club is a considerably new establishment with minimalist and sleek design located in Lv8 Resort Hotel, Canggu, Bali (near Seminyak). It has a modern yet cozy feel with breathtaking scenery as you can see below:
The infinity pool. Not quite sure, but I think it's 100K IDR for a dip.
It was unbelievably HOT in the afternoon (the kind of hot that stings!) and they only had ONE freaking umbrella for the lounge chairs and that couple on the far right got it! T____T So we had to sit pretty far from the pool to avoid the sun.
All blue at Vue! :) Dress and sunglasses from GOWIGASA's next arrival.
P.S. GOWIGASA is launching New Collection VERY SOON on Monday, June 2nd 2014 at Save the date, girls~~~(ˆˆ)づ♡
Can you believe we took most of the pictures around 5pm (when it wasn't that hot anymore), but it was still so bright!! :O
The more colorful side of Vue (the Cabana).
Had to tie my hair because of the cray-cray wind.
Here you can see how spacious this place is!
People started flooding in around 4-5pm. Maybe they steered clear of the sun too? ^^
You cannot see it, but there is a direct access to the beach where you can play with dogs!! You can also bring yours if you want! #pluspoint
I can't say much about their food since I only ordered Spaghetti Aglio Olio and this Iced Lychee Tea. But both of them were good. I requested the pasta to be extra spicy and they didn't disappoint me. :D The staff were friendly and attentive too! But not the annoying-attentive type lol.
Till next time, Vue!

Jl. Discovery no. 8, Canggu, Bali, Indonesia
Phone: +62 361 8948888
Open hours: 11:00am - 1:00am
Price range: IDR 115,000 - IDR 1,149,000
Cuisines: International

Elissa Yamada

May 27, 2014

Movie Watching with Bolu~♡ WAKUWAKU JAPAN | Listen to My Heart

Few days ago, Bolu and I watched this Japanese movie at WAKUWAKU JAPAN TV Channel (#168).
It is a romantic-drama movie called Listen to My Heart (引き出しの中のラブレター, Hikidashi no naka no rabu retā).

Mao Kubota (Takako Tokiwa) who works as a radio DJ in Tokyo is starting a new program called "Love Letters from the Drawer". People can write down their reserved feeling to someone on a letter, request a song to go with it and then Mao will read the letter and play the song at her program; hoping that the message will reach the intended person. The program was inspired by her own experience when she read a letter from her deceased father; who had always been so hard on her but finally expressed his true feeling toward her daughter through that honest, heartfelt letter.

Watching this movie, first thing that came to my mind was…
The main actress Takako Tokiwa really looks like Cecilia Cheung lol!
They really look alike, right?? Has resemblance, at least. ^^

And of course, talking about Cecilia Cheung, I couldn't help but to bring this up…
YESYES our very own Elle also looks like Cecilia, right??? HAHAHHAHAHA
A lot of people has told her about this too, since she's in elementary school, lol! XD

Okay, now let's talk about the movie!

Made in 2009 where the internet era has begun, Listen to My Heart (引き出しの中のラブレター, Hikidashi no naka no rabu retā) brings up two now-kind-of-already-forgotten medias that played a big role in connecting people back then: radio and posted letters. It brings me back to the time where I would listen to the radio whenever I'm sitting in the car, going back and forth from home to school; and also further back when I had pen pals in elementary school (one of them was my childhood maid who went home to her village because she had to be married. I remember she wrote me a letter on a Little Mermaid paper because she knew I LOVE Ariel ^^).
Directed by Shinichi Mishiro, Listen to My Heart is a movie about a woman's strong dedication towards her career as a radio DJ → that succeed her in spreading her positive energy → which helps a lot of people who have been burying their thoughts deep down in their heart → to finally have the courage to pour it in a letter, → which she will then read out loud in her program, hoping that the significant person somewhere would hear what this person have to say.
Weighing the risk that B would probably not hear what A has put thoughtfully in that letter (e.g. when the letter is being read, B could be doing activities that doesn't allow him/her to listen to the radio / B might be listening to another program / B might not be a radio listener at all), when B actually hears it, it makes it almost magical. A very romantic coincidence, one could say. :)

In this encouraging movie, though, somehow all the messages always manage to reach the intended person (^^;). It's okay, though, a drama is a drama. But I think even if B doesn't get the message:
1. At least A has decided to finally release what has been weighing his/her heart, and that's a good step because it allows A to be honest to his/herself about his/her own feeling; which is not easy because some thoughts and feelings are sometimes better left unsaid or unheard, even to oneself.
2. And for the rest of the radio listeners, it is a beautiful way to listen to another person's heartfelt feelings. Like watching a movie or reading a book, sometimes we can all learn something from another person's experience or story. Like in this movie, some listeners would also hope that the intended person would hear the message. Being able to hope is also a good thing, right? :)

Like Babel and He's Just Not That Into You, Listen to My Heart is also a movie with interlocking stories. There is a taxi driver who came to Tokyo, living a separate life with his son and wife for the sake of earning extra income, a pregnant 30 something woman who decided to be a single mother when the baby comes, a reserved grandfather who doesn't want to move to another town with his son and his family, a boy who's in love with his classmate, a guy who's trying to get permission from his parents to marry an older woman that he loves, and so on. I like this kind of movie. It leaves room to imagine if a character knew that he/she is somehow connected to someone or something. It also makes me wonder about my own life. ^^v

Beside scenes that was taken at cute cafes in Tokyo, there are also a lot of beautiful scenes taken at Hakodate, Hokkaido. It really makes me wanna visit the place someday! Very calm and beautiful and I can imagine how fresh the air would be up there. Ah, Japan I miss youuuuuuuuuuuuu~~~

Thank you, WAKUWAKU JAPAN TV for bringing this movie up. We can't wait to watch another ones! XD

Oh no, baby girl fell asleep!


Very well, I shall take my chance...

To take selfies with this cutiecat, please!!!

Okay yes so careful as not to wake her up…...
And that is all, my friend. See you on my next post! 

Jessica Yamada

Welcome, Bolu!

Some of you might already know that we have a new family member now:

BOLU The Cat~~~♡

Name: Bolu
DOB: February 7th 2014
Race: Scottish Fold
Sex: Female
Weight: 0,704 kg
Bolu means Sponge Cake in Indonesian language. Elle and I chose this name because sponge cake (bolu) is soft and fluffy! It also sounds catchy and come to think of it, it could be an abbreviation of 'BOla buLU' (bola bulu is furball in Indonesian language). (ノ≧▽≦)*:・゚

I was so, so, so excited when I learned that my boyfriend was getting me a cat for our 2nd anniversary gift! (≧▽≦)♡ He's so terrible with surprises that he always spoil them before the right time but NOT this time! He managed to keep this "Kitty Operation" intact for a few weeks before I ruined it hahahahaha OMG.
So I have always wanted a cat since I was a kid, but my mom never let me keep one. But lately she's been quite okay with it, especially since I told her to follow 8n21 (I knowwwwww, he's very cute, right???) and other cute cats on Instagram. So I kept looking for 'the one' since my mom kinda gave me a green light lol. AND THEN, apparently my boyfriend secretly found this guy in Malang who's selling his Scottish Fold kittens, so he decided to buy one for a surprise anniversary gift for me, secretly arranged the kittycat to arrive just at our anniversary day (May 21st). BUT as you can see from the conversation up there, I also happened to be kitty-browsing that morning lol + found a veeery cute one located in Depok + was going to see it first at the seller's house. I have even WAZE-d the location because I was really going to see it that day. Knowing my intention, bf was like "……………" and forced to ruin the surprise by telling me that he already bought Bolu for me… and that she's supposed to be my surprise gift that was going to arrive that night or the next day HAHAHA!!! Sorry, babe!! But how you always failed at keeping surprises is beyond me lololol!!!

Arrived in Style Jakarta on May 21st 2014, in a very cute pink-yellow-mint box!
Who is it that hides behind those pink plastic bars…...

♡ It's………….. Bolu the jet-lagged cat~~~!!! 
Lol ok lah she rode a train but it looks like it wasn't a nice trip ahaha.

3rd frame: "Mommy, not now, okayyy…"
4th frame: "Oh well, if you can't help it, just take it quickly, then. *cool girl's pose*"



After a few moments, we took her to a vet for her very first general check up! XD

On the Road
Quite a traveler, isn't she?
My heart. skipped. a beat.

General Check Up
She was diagnosed healthy *YAYYY* but she had a bit of tapeworm situation in her tummy (^^;) so the doctor gave her a medicine right away. Her ears were kinda dirty, too (they're still dirty now, but I'm currently giving her Ilium Ear Drops as suggested by docdoc, so hopefully her ears would be clean soon!), hence the ear cleansing pics above lol. She's so cute when she looks grumpy like that!

Picture Time with Mommy!
GOWIGASA Pinafore, Top (upcoming collection!)
P.S. GOWIGASA is launching New Collection VERY SOON on Monday, June 2nd 2014 at Save the date, girls~~~(ˆˆ)づ♡

So precious and so small!
*kisu kisu*

 BOLU SO PRETTEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Playful Bolu...

…scratched mommy really quickly! *hence my smiley ouch face* ^^;;;;;;;

Naughty furball

It's okay, though~~~~~ Mommy still loves you very very much!

To me…

…you will always be the kitten who came in this pink plastic box, no matter how much you grow up later, Bolu! 

BONUS VIDEO I recorded that night!! She's such a bundle of joy!!!
AND THOSE EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arghhhhhhh, thank you so much baby for such a precious, precious gift!!!!!!!! To think that I FINALLY own a cat and to add to my happiness, it's the type of cat that I've been drooling for (again, mostly because of this fatty fluff 8n21)!!! I'm so touched omg. So grateful. *#nowplaying Korean drama song*

Anyway, before Bolu's arrival, mom and Elle went overseas and haven't returned home yet so they just asked me to upload or send as many pics and videos as I can! They seem to adore her so much and cannot wait to meet her! I also cannot wait for Bolu to meet them~~~ O(ˆˆ)o

Grow happy and healthy, my dear bola bulu Bolulu!
Okay then, thank you so much for reading and see you guys on my next post~ ;D 

Jessica Yamada