
April 09, 2018

Braids Vs. Buns | 4 Celeb Inspired Summer Hairstyles | Elle & Jess

An outfit isn't complete without a certain hairstyle to top it up. And when it comes to summer, all we want is to look cool AND stay cool at the same time. Especially since it's summer (read: hot and humid) all year long in Indonesia. But don't go chopping off your hair just yet, because we've got these four celebrity-inspired summer hairstyles that we think would be perfect for you to try out this weekend.

Hold up, sit tight, got two braids and two buns coming up!


1. Chic Side Braid
As seen on double Emmas - Emma Wattson (left) and Emma Stone (right):
Not only it sweeps your hair away from the back of your neck and keeping the heat out of it, it also looks sweet and cute! Jess will show you how to do it on this video:

2. Milkmaid Braid Updo
As seen on Amanda Seyfried (left) and Jennifer Lawrence (right):
If you're looking for an updo that looks summery yet elegant at the same time, this milkmaid braid would be the perfect choice for you. Take a look at Elle's tutorial here so you can do it at home:


3. Double Buns
As seen on Kendall Jenner (left) and Cara Delevingne (right):
Chun Li and Pucca would be thrilled when they know that their uber cute hairstyle is now coachella-approved. Moreover, you can also wear your double buns overnight and turn it into curls in the morning, just like Jess did in this video:

4. Easy Messy Bun
As seen on Sophie Turner (left) and Zoella (right):
Always the go-to option whenever you have a bad hair day, this messy bun is cute and super easy to do, like, seriously. Watch our step by step tutorial (PLUS challenge on who can do it faster) here:

Anyway, if you like to color your hair like we do, you might be interested to know that there is a new hair color product in town: NYU. Not only it's affordable, it's also ammonia free and enriched with super fruit extracts such as apple, kiwi and strawberry. Whether you wanna go coppery brown like Zoella, burgundy (reddish) like Emma Stone, or caramel like Cara, NYU got it for you! Moreover, it can cover grey hair! Our mom and aunt also tried it, and it really did a great job covering their grey hair lol.

Okay guys, that's all for today, we hope you get inspired by these cute hairstyles (do try them because they're really easy and super fun!), and please let us know on the comment box down below, which style do you prefer? Braids, or buns? We'd like to know!

Thank you so much for reading and see you guys on our next post! 

Elle & Jess