She's so cute, isn't she? Now, she ain't ours alrite, she belongs to Elle's bff Jane. But mommy Jane kindly gave us permission to kidnap this cutie pig pie for 1N1D lolll.
So, here are some photos of Vodka a.k.a Vodvod (even her nickname sounds fatty omgomg how could you Janeeeeee) upon her arrival:
"Who that?" asked Vodvod, observing Nicky curiously. |
Smile! |
Elle picked her up at 01 AM* after her meet-up with Jane and when she arrived home, Jess was ultra shocked cause the story she heard about Jane's dog making snore sounds all the time was 100% TRUE!! Like; walking *snores*, sniffing *snores*, running *snores*, and so on. Googled about that and got an instant confirmation here: "French Bulldog sounds. Because of their short face, most French Bulldogs snort, snuffle, wheeze, grunt, and snore loudly. The sounds are endearing to some people; nerve-wracking to others." -- well, it was definitely endearing to all of us who met her! ♡♡♡
*hence the title (1N1D instead of 1D1N)
Okay, gotta be honest that Frenchies might not be the prettiest, but some would surely agree that they ARE the FUNNIEST. Aside from their physical appearance that resembles a mixed breed of a cow, a rabbit, a dog and of course, a PIG, they make goofy poses like these:
Good night! *grokkkkk*
The next morning:
Awe, you still sleepy? *grok grok*
Well, fasten your seatbelt, Vodka, cause we're going to take you to our outfit photoshoot (yep, as a model, too)! XD
On Jess: Shoes from Japan
So intoxicated by her cuteness, each of us decided to make a video with her too! ♡
Finally, it was time to return her home. :'(
Thank you, Jane, for letting your baby stay over at our place! See you soon, Vodvod! *kisssssssssssssssses*
[Bonus] Latest news from Vodka: She just got her first period!! XD