
April 14, 2011

Love knows no boundaries.

Today's outfit post is gonna be an outfit from two weeks ago (so late, I know...) at SHY Rooftop. It is an elegant bar located on the top floor of the Papilion Building in Kemang.

Click-click before going up!!

Wearing knitted loose top from f21, LOLA blazer from GOWIGASA, and ZARA bag.

One stair away from the Rooftop. :)

f21 necklace

Pull&Bear shoes, (X)S.M.L bracelet

By the way, have you watched 'Modern Family' TV show? I just watched it for the 1st time yesterday at my friend's house, and I was hooked on the first season!! The main story is about three families who happen to live in the same neighborhood. The first family is a multi-cultural family, the second family is a traditional family, and the third family is a gay family (my fave!!).

It is not like another TV show that has a lot of drama going on, and it doesn't have that much background music (typical sitcoms), so you might get bored at the first 10 minutes. BUT trust me! All you have to do is sit back and enjoy the show, then you'll see how good (and funny) the story is! The show talks mostly about family issue and always provides a very touching quote at the end of each episode, and the best thing is, it teaches us that love knows no boundaries at all.

My favorite characters of the show are Gloria and Mitchell! Watch it and tell me yours!! :)


  1. I like Gloria!
    the scene about her family is always nice to watch

  2. I think I should really have to start watching some tv shows that are entertaining!

    life hasn't been good now! haha

  3. hi, ci.. mau ijin ambl bbrpa foto cc di lookbook bole?
    aku mau buat post ttg inspirational fashion bloggers and ada cici jg slh satunya.. :)
    thanks before!

  4. wow..:O
    is it cozy there?:D
    i havent hangout around Kemang before..
    and i really want to know cozy place there..
    any suggestion?:D

    oh yeah, do you take some photos on the rooftop?:D

  5. blazernya masih ada dijual kah?
