
May 03, 2011

Somebody to love

MANGO blazer, f21 purse

ZARA top, Gitchy skirt, Steve Madden shoes


How much can you learn from watching a film? For me, it's A LOT.
One of my favorite TV series that has taught me loads of lessons in life (and being a woman) is Desperate Housewives. If you are a fan of the series too, you must be familiar with the narrator's voice, Mary Alice (the one who shot herself at the beginning of the story). I always find her quotes profound and worth to remember, well actually I love many quotes from each character. That Marc Cherry guy sure knows how to entertain and make us learn something at the same time.

Anyway, here is the most recent quote from Mary Alice that I find to be very true:
"The things that bring us pleasure may not be enough to give our lives meaning, without someone to love."

I always thought the saying "Money can't buy us happiness" was completely wrong, but when I heard that quote from DH, I began to imagine what my life would be if I had all the money in the world but I didn't have, well as lame as it sounds, somebody to love. Yes money can make us feel happy, proud and all that, but only for a short period of time, our lives would still be empty without love. The feeling love brings is something you can't describe.


  1. nice lesson. i couldn't disagree with that. :)
    anw, love ur outfit & can't wait for Gowi's nu-coll ^^

  2. yes the quote before the starting of a show is always so inspiring, like the one from satc.

    They say nothing lasts forever. Dreams change. Trends come and go. But friendships never go out of style.

    I always found that the most inspiring friendship quote ever!


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. @Deevona: Thanks sweety! We will upload it soon. ;)

    @Gilbert: Wow you watch DH too?? Yes they're freakin good in creating meaningful and memorable lines! ♥

  5. Your whole outfit is just to cute
    In love with the shoes love the color
    And the photo is very pretty, keep it up

  6. Hi,

    I just found this blog while browsing aimlessly. Honestly, as a man, I don't know much about fashion let alone women's fashion. It is your silky skin that I adore.

    For me, movie is only for entertainment. I rarely want to think hard while watching movies. On the other hand, I usually contemplate through poems, like this one

    Anyway, this is really a nice blog :)

  7. This is such a sweet and cute outfit, love how girly chic you look. :)

    The Cat Hag

  8. Thanks all, really appreciate it. ;)


  9. But you can't have love without money -_-'

  10. "The things that bring us pleasure may not be enough to give our lives meaning, without someone to love." love this quote so much....>.<"

  11. HEY,I WANT TO ASK U . Which the salon u always cutting ur that hair ? And what's the style of ur hair ? Please reply
