
August 30, 2011

Details in the Fabric

Calm down, deep breaths and get yourself dressed instead of running around.

If it's a broken part, replace it.
If it's a broken arm, then brace it.
If it's a broken heart, then face it

If anybody asks me what's my favorite break-up song, my answer will always be "Details in the Fabric" by Jason Mraz. The song brings me into so many emotional levels, especially when I get upset and can't think clearly. It encourages me to move on from the situation, always remember to 'hold your own, know your name' (knowing your value and believing in yourself), and that eventually 'everything WILL be fine'. Everything happens for a reason. You may not see the reason now, but in time you will.

It's a bittersweet song. It's really sad, but it's hopeful.
That's what makes it so beautiful.

Knitted Top - Unbranded
Shorts - Topshop
Shoes - Unbranded
Purse - The Little Things She Needs
Socks - MUJI
Necklace - Bershka


What I've been up to?
Re-reading my favorite manga, One Piece and preparing for GOWIGASA New Arrivals!

p.s. Jason Mraz, if you read this, you've helped a person through your song. Thank you. :)

August 29, 2011

Beautiful Ayana, Bali

Remember when I told you I took shitloads of pictures when I was in Bali last July, that I had to upload them partly? So far I've posted five posts: Dreamland, Rosso and Rock Bar, Gula Bali Pork Ribs, Walk Through the Light, Floating on a Sunny Day (click if you haven't read it! :D). Well today's post will be the last part (I promise!) and it's all about the beautiful Ayana hotel where I stayed in and spent my days when I didn't feel like going out.


They greet every new guest with a welcome drink and flower necklace (Leis) like in Hawaii that made us feel fresh instantly after a tiring long drive.

H&M top and shorts, Stradivarius bag, Bershka shoes.


Heading to Rock Bar wearing Stance dress from GOWIGASA.

A ride on the inclinator, getting down to the bar.

He was wearing my sunglasses because his was gone on Kuta street lol.

Breath-taking sunset!


Padi Restaurant, where Ayana's buffet breakfast is served each morning.
Me enjoying pancakes and waffles after taking these shots.


Getting ready to sunbathe!
I also managed to capture these random photos:

LMAO this grandma was dragged around the pool by her grandson (I guess), so cute!!
This pretty girl wasn't running towards...
...this handsome boy.

Reminds me of Jess and I ♥


Yup, that's the beach. We didn't step our feet close to it because we must pass through hundreds of stairs and climb that same amount of stairs again when we were done down there. We thought it would be just a waste of time and energy as we had a flight to catch.

That's the stairs I was talking about.

As for me, I will enjoy Jakarta during lebaran! If there is a certain period of time when you can enjoy Jakarta's roads, it is on the Lebaran holiday, where most of Jakarta's residents are going back to their home town to celebrate Idul Fitri. :)

Train - Hey, Soul Sister

August 26, 2011

Student No More

Not so long ago, I blogged about my Final Project's judgement day (If you haven't read it, here's the link During that day, while waiting for the other students to finish their presentation, my friends (Nita & Stiev) and I found this air-conditioned empty classroom where we had our lunch comfortably, and of course... had our photos taken so vainly, just for fun. Hahaha. Besides, Elle always says that I'm not narcissistic enough.
Well, today, my friend, Imma prove her wrong :b

Made these little Lego creatures. The left one is Taurus the Bull and the right one is, uh... General Mitsubishi from Japan? Lol. Pardon my jayusism.

Behind the scene pic #01

Behind the scene pic #02
And yeah, the room wasn't completely empty with that man behind me -_-"

Ok one last normal pic to ease your eyes after the BTS pic #02 hahaha!

Big thanks to:
Stiev and Nita for taking the pics!
Both of them also got their shots (not just me ok lol), but I haven't ask their permission yet to post them here, so, maybe I'll get this post updated later ;)
