
September 01, 2012

Woof vs. Meow

Just-for-fun personality test!
Are you a dog person or a cat person?

I believe we are a bit of both but usually leaning towards one more than the other, right?
For me, I am leaning towards cat and so is Jess (I guess that's why we are so compatible in addition to our well-matched zodiacs!).

So, how do you know which type are you?

*scrolls :D*

Cat people are 11% more likely to be introverts and less likely to be active joggers or bikers.
Dog people are 15% more likely to be extroverts and 36% more likely to be very active outdoors.

Cat people are more likely to enjoy ironic humor and puns.
Dog people are more likely to enjoy slapstick humor and impressions.

Cat people are more likely to wait for technology to prove itself before buying.
Dog people are more likely to be early adopters.

Cat people are more likely to prefer individual competition over team competition.
Dog people are split evenly on whether they prefer individual or team competition (50-50).

Cat people are generally more neurotic; however, they are also more "open" than dog people. Open to experiencing new things, to hold 'unconventional beliefs' or to unusual ideas that is, thus it allows them to be more creative but also getting painted as "weirdos."

Dog people tend to have more conventional or traditional interests.

Dog people are more agreeable and extroverted, which make them more sociable than Cat people.

Dog people are also more conscientious.
"Conscientiousness" is a tendency to show self-discipline, to complete tasks, and aim for achievement.

Cat people are people who value their own time, enjoy doing things on their own, and want to be able to spontaneously take off for a weekend and such.

They are also more independent than Dog people; just like cats who don't need walks, don't need you to let them out to pee, and don't fall into a depression if you won't play with them.

A cat person doesn't really like to bond with many people. They might even give the impression of arrogance, while in fact they are just shy and passive, and they feel like they need to know you first before you can be friends. You have to earn their trust. That's why cat people tend to only have a few close friends that they are comfortable with.

As for me, the closest people in my life consist of both dog and cat person, and my BFF is totally a dog person (opposite attract?) ☺

ZARA top, floral pants, leather jacket | GOWIGASA neon bag | Jeffrey Campbell Ford heels | GOWIGASA vintage glasses | Unbranded neon belt
I'm a cat person who is in love with a dog.

Which type of person are you? Share them below! : )


  1. i love the leather jacket and the floral pants!

  2. love your jeans in the first picture! totally digging these looks!
    >~ Tinacious Me ~ Giveaway~

  3. i love everything tha you wore !
    super duper adorablepretty!
    i love the last photo!

  4. totally love your pose in third photo! :D
    and wow, i'm more a cat person than dog..i never knew this type exist..XD


  5. I'm definitely a cat person!
    anyway, you look awesome El. i love your pants

  6. Gorgeous as usual! The cut out of the shoes are awesome. It reminds me of the holes my dog bit into my shoes once though...I wonder why I am still a dog person.

  7. Love your cat top :)

    I'm a dog person though hehe.


  8. Totally a cat person now! although I always prefer dog to cat but my personality couldn't lie! I am just such a cat person!


    miss both of yaa badly!


  9. i'm definitely a cat person too.. :))
    and i love your cat top

  10. love the pants and the neon bag! <33

  11. You look so rad! Love the monochrome ensemble with a pop of neon xx

  12. omg you look a w e s o m e!
    superr duper love this outfit ci! my fav! :)

  13. oh im in love with ur last photo! adorable

    want to see my new post ?

    xoxo ♥♥
    grace |
    my blog "Storybook" | Pin For You

  14. Your post sucha great post ,now I know what kind of person am I . :)
    I love your whole look <3

  15. I totally love this look. Monochrome yet popping with neon colors. And your photos are awesome.

    Putri Soe

  16. ci elle you look stunning! <3 I'm a cat person haha, but I love dog too!
    btw your dog is so cute :3

  17. love this look! <3

  18. I'm a cat person (beside of a real cat lover) and some of this article are true!

  19. i have a similar flower pants, love it too.. anyway i cant even decide whether i'm a cat or dog person...i guess i'm 50-50 then...hahaha

  20. yeah, this rock and cool <3

  21. Adorei as fotos... Visite meu blog atual:

    Em 07 de setembro estarei lançando um blog novo e cheio de novidades chamado Srta. Sam aguardo sua visita.

    Grande Beijo Sucesso

  22. amazing babe! as usual.
    xoxo, Eliza

  23. With all respect,

    what usually means by cat/dog person is a person who prefers companion of a cat or a dog. Hence the word cat-person or dog-person even cat-lady and so forth. Not really because you think you share the similar traits as the dogs or cats.

    I hope this rights your wrong.

  24. I'm dog person and my Gf is a cat person ,all those things you said uptheir are 99% true , and i'm really happy with my Gf

  25. I'm in love with your pants ci ^^

    Karina Dinda R. ♥
