
October 08, 2013

MIZZU Eyeliner Pen Review + GIVEAWAY!

Growing up, I think the most important make up tool for me was none other than Eyeliner. I remember borrowing my mom's pencil liner and using it every day after school, admiring how lovely it made my eyes look: bigger, rounder and livelier. I would happily apply it on my eyes, no matter how smudgy* it was.
*Pencil liners tend to smudge easier than liquid ones.

That being said, I tried using liquid liners too, but believe me, those brushes are no beginner-proof. At first trials, you may end up brushing it too thick / too much / too messy and because most liquid liners are kinda tricky to remove, once it goes wrong, you must remove it and start all over again until you get the perfect lines you want.

Along came MIZZU Eyeliner Pen~~~
I WISH it came out earlier, so I wouldn't have to deal with all those eyeliner miseries up there. Oh well, better late than never. At least NOW I get to abuse it. ^^v

See the pen tip up there? It makes applying liquid liner much easier than using the usual brush because it's steady, yet the ink glides easily when applied. It's like drawing with a spidol instead of a watercolor brush. Beginner-proof: check!

The pigmentation is pretty good, not 100% jet black at first application, but it's buildable. The only problem is, if you have done applying it and it's already dry, you don't wanna reapply the liner on top of it because it would wipe the previous layer. So my tip is: apply a single thin line on your eyelid, and if you think it's not enough, quickly reapply and reapply until you get the look that you want, then let dry.

Two days ago, I wore it alone (no mascara, eyeshadow, etc) on my eyes to really see its staying power. It was a very hot and humid day and I was too lazy (or stingy) to turn on the AC but surprisingly, MIZZU stayed on for the entire day! No smudging, flaking, etc, except on the inner corners of my eyes, where it often gets teary.

Despite all that, it is very easy to remove (it takes me only a few drops of eye makeup remover on a cotton pad and I don't even have to rub. I'd just wipe gently and it'll take off completely), so your eyes won't feel the torture of cleansing afterwards lol. I find this a super plus point, because the skin around your eyes are the most fragile, therefore excessive rubbing and pulling can easily cause eye bags and wrinkles.

The market price is IDR 25,000 - 50,000 (USD 2.5-5) for a piece (2ml). Totally affordable for such useful tool, right? I can hear eyeliner newbies cheering out there lol.

One more thing, MIZZU is 100% Made in Indonesia. Yep, you can check out its BPOM number here. Isn't it nice that our local products keep improving their quality, yet they still make em affordable to us? ^^

Product details:

FYI, MIZZU is currently having a Photo Contest with delicious prizes such as Samsung S4 and MAP Vouchers worth million Rupiahs. You can click here to join the buzz!

MIZZU's Facebook | MIZZU's Twitter | MIZZU's Line: mizzucosmetics

Done with the review, it's play time!
I created three looks using MIZZU Eyeliner Pen for this post. Here goes!

// MIZZ Schweet //
I applied very thin lines on my upper lids to achieve that innocent-sweet-girly look. Pulled the lines a bit longer and downward to make my eyes look droopily larger.
Pastel Striped Sweater: GOWIGASA

// MIZZ Chic //
For this look, I simply recreated the MIZZ Schweet look and added tiny triangles at the outer corner of my eyes. This is an easy-peasy way to add a stylish and playful look for your eyes.
Cross Sequin Asymmetrical Long Shirt & OBEY Blue Snapback: GOWIGASA

// MIZZ Smokin //
For this sharp and sexy look, I lined both my upper and lower lash lines. The point of this look is the lower lash line: you want to leave the inner corner of the eyes unlined for a slightly softer look, and make sure that the lower lash line connects with the outer corner of the upper lash line.
Leopard Studded Washed Denim Jacket: GOWIGASA


So, which one of the above looks is your favorite? Tell me in the comment box below which and why do you like it and WIN A set of MIZZU Cosmetics Products (MIZZU Perfect Wear Eyeliner Pen + MIZZU Power Volume Mascara Waterproof)! ;D
Three (3) lucky winners will be picked randomly by the end of the month and each will be given the prizes above!
The prize will be delivered to each winners' address of choice (MIZZU Cosmetics will take care of the shipping charge)

You got that right, girls. Just comment and WIN! ;D

Thank you for reading and see you on my next post~

Jessica Yamada


  1. I Love the "MIZZ Schweet" looks <3 <3 <3 ... Verry innocent & girly.. Berasa meliat foto SNSD ajaaa... :* :* :*

  2. My Fav : MIZZ Smokin
    it make yr eyes look: bigger and rounder
    Tambahan Eyeliner di bawah mata bikin kesan Sexy :3
    Tanpa kata-kata kayanya mata udah berbicara
    Eyeliner = Must Have Item !! :D

    I Love It !!

  3. MIZZ Smokin screams out my favorite of them three. Personally, I think it’s kind of hard to achieve that look without applying a heavy make-up. But this look seemed to be easily pulled off by merely applying its eyeliner. How nice is it?

  4. I like MIZZ Schweet look the most. It enhances your natural beauty look, since your face naturally looks innocent and sweet <3
    I think every girl should have that eyeliner so their eyes can be shaped as pretty as yours! :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. MIZZ Chic ! simple yet stylish. brighten your eyes. you can look sporty, funky, and elegant with that style. Love it, perfect!

  7. mizz schweet :D i like it because it's simple and looks so sweet.


  8. My favorite is MIZZ Schweet
    Because the used of your eyeliner made your eyes looks natural and fresh.
    Love the way u drew the eyeliner on MIZZ Schweet look, match with your lips and blush color, also your hair do and outfit made u looks cute, innocent, and sweet <3
    i haven't use eyeliner before and always want to use it, but yes i got confused to choose which one is better for eyeliner,
    then fortunately you made a review about MIZZU eyeliner, and i think this one will perfect for beginner like me >< because MIZZU eyeliner have pen tip and sounds easy to use. I've interested and woaahh its a local brand too. much love <3

  9. helloo!
    my personal favourite one is MIZZU CHIC.
    the outcome is good, and it makes your eyes bigger.

  10. MIZZ Schweet obviously <3 love the girly look :D

    email: vanissa, :)

  11. I guess I should try this eyeliner haha
    Udah bnyak yg ngereview bilang bagus
    Buat aku mizz chic yg jadi favorit, krna ujung eyelinernya yg runcing jdi wktu ngebentuk diwaterlinenya jdi lebih gmpang dan rapi
    Mngkin udh saatnya mulai memakai produk lokal deh, kualitas produknya udh diimproved sii lol

  12. mizz smokin!!
    perfect eyes. u look natural with those eye makeup
    and without any shadow-thingy u can also look stunningly pretty
    anyway this is what called double luck !
    easily applied eye liner + look gorgeous in such a short time !

    thank uu :)

  13. My favorite one between the three eyelining style is 'MIZZ Schweet'. Because it looks so simple and cute. And when you applied this style (mizz schweet) it to your eyeline, it makes your eyes looks bigger . And it really works for ulzzang make up. No need to use the circle lens again. With just applying this eyelining style, you will get a cute look ^^

    email :

  14. i like the "mizz schweet" look.its very can still look pretty without wearing too much makeup.
    thanks :)

  15. I love the first look, MIZZ Schweet! :D
    It looks so natural and lovely~

    Will it stay that long on oily lids?
    Thank you ^^

  16. Instagram : @michelleangelap

    i like "MIZZ smokin" the most. because it show your eyes shape more and although you put it on just a little (especially the below area) it makes a lot difference. it makes your eyes looks bigger and the way your eyes moves it really looked nice with this mizzu eyeliner :) *sorry for my bad english* lol

  17. I love the mizz smokin
    even though you look sharp but the sweet girl look still there. and at the same time, there's sexy look just like you mention.
    the eyeliner looks natural and it doesn't really seem that you wear eyeliner.

  18. Mizz Chic & Mizz smokin! (can't choose cause you look perfect in both) but I think Mizz smokin looks greater XD you look stylish, sexy yet cool. But you look fresh in mizz chic, and in Mizz schweet you show a pure, innocent and pretty side of you. anyways you fit in all of them :)

  19. I love the MIZZ Chic look the best! It's such an easy way to add a fun element to your make-up but in a really subtle way :)


  20. aku pilih MIZZ Chic!! karna mataku pasti akan terlihat lebih besar dan cantik..
    kalau MIZZ smokin agak seram kalau aku pakai, mata aku keliatan jutek bgt. klo MIZZ natural ky ga pake eyeliner. hehe. jd aku pikir MIZZ chic is the best way for me!! :D

  21. mizz schweet for sure ! simple yet cute ♡ perfectly match with your girly and innocent style ci. your eyes tell the world who you are :)

  22. I like the mizz schweet the most bcs it looks innocent, cute, and lovely :))

  23. I really like the MIZZ Chic one! because its make your eyes looks kawaii :D

  24. mizz schweet! cocok banget buat hangout..
    hwaaa ak pengen banget nih nyoba eyeliner mizzu T_T semoga ak bs mendapatkannya yaa Jes hehehee
    GBU ^^

    email :

  25. All looks are great! But if I have to choose one then I'll pick the mizz scweet. It is the kind of look that you can sport any day. Whether there's an occasion or not. It looks very natural, and we all know that the simple the look, the better. Is there a branch here in the Philippines? I would love to have this!

  26. I LOVE mizz chic! My style is personally more of a casual type and thus your outfit with the 'MIZZ chic' style is the one I like the most. The eyeliner gives some pizzazz to the overall look and it really makes your eyes pop! Gorgeous! Chic indeed! :D

  27. MIZZ Schweet !! cause your eyes look so big, you look so innocent and sweet. you look like korean model / artist in that photo !! so skin face look so it!

  28. I love the "Mizzu Schweet" view because you look so girly in it, and that eyeliner does make a difference :)
    I personally love your every style because you are able to look girly in every style you try <3
    Please let me win the giveaway coz I've never win one before.

  29. Love the innocent girl look

  30. Thanks for the make-up tutorial Jess :). I love all looks because each of them shows a different strong character. But if I have to choose one of them, my most favorite one is Mizz schweet because the natural looking shows "the power of eyeliner without eyeliner". I leaned to make that kind of look few months ago from youtube tutorial. I was curious about Kpop artists make up which look very natural, but also sharp at the same time. I didn't think think they apply any black lines on their eyes before, until then I found that tutorial make up on youtube. the girl on the video teaches us on how to look natural with eyeliner and it is exactly like what you did on your Ms. schweet look. Once, I heard some friends of mine were talking about my make up right after passing me. A: did you see her eyes? B: No.. why? A: I think she's using eyeliner but when I look carefully, I don't think so.. LOL. i was smilling and happy on that time, because I can make people curious about me just like me being curious to kpop artist. Well, it is always fun to play with make up, isn't it? Who knows with just a soft touch of eyeliner, you can look pretty effortlessly and be the adorable Ms sweet? you will never know unless you try in on and be it :).

  31. i like "MIZZ Schweet" look cause it looks natural and soft :)

  32. hi jess :) i love "MIZZ Smokin" because i like to see the contrast between you sweet face and your outfit+expression. totally suit you, i think.

  33. i like MIZZ SCHWEET a lot!
    it gives the vibe of innocence and sweetness, and its kinda simple too for beginner to do it !

  34. My favorite is "miss chic",
    Karena mataq itu agak kecil tapi kantung mataq agak besar, jadi untuk mengakalinya aq pilih miss chic yg pemakaian eyeliner di ujungnya naik, membentuk segitiga..sehingga membuat mataq kelihatan lebh besar, tapi dengan ujungnya yg sharp, membuat orang langsung melihat mataq sehingga membuat kantung mataq tidak terlalu menonjol..dan juga ketika tersenyum/tertawa, mataq akan jadi lebh indah dan manis

  35. I like the mizz schweet look because of how YOU look there! haha It's a really cute and sweet look ^^ But I must say I like the look of mizz smokin as well :)

  36. My favorite is the mizz smokin look. It's bold, but simple and not overdone.

  37. My favorite is MIZZ Smokin because that look really pops out your eye color and gives that sexy look without you even trying. :)

  38. my fav is MIZZ Smokin. looks simple yet elegant.
    please make some makeup tutorial for a newbie like me xD

  39. I choose MIZZ CHIC, because it looks natural, fresh, chic and of course it will make our eyes look bigger with the sharp pen. it easy to wear and of course the price is not expensive. look simple,not excessive, and sweet as superstar >,<
    hope i can win this giveaway :)

  40. Sebelumnya lihat produk ini disalah satu instagram beauty blogger tp tanpa review. Setelah baca review diatas jadi makin yakin nyoba eyeliner Mizzu. Selama ini pake yg liquid dan kurang cocok dipakai kalau lagi terburu-buru hehe :) good point-nya Mizzu produk Indonesia dan harganya pun sgt terjangkau.Thank you for the review, Jess! ;)

    Btw, my favorite is "Mizz Smokin" . because its look simple. I really love simple look but elegant. and your style it!

  41. Pastel Striped Sweater: GOWIGASA
    Mirip banget kaya artis korea,simple and makeupnya juga cute abiz
    Plus keselarasan warna antara outfit dan latar......
    Ekspresinya innocent dan looks so cute
    Email :

  42. Mizan smokin is the best I think. It suits you well. Also, your makeup doesn't look too heavy, fierce and just right. Love it.


  43. From the very start I read this post, I love the MIZZ Chic ones, I don't know why but every time I see you (Jessica Yamada) on Instagram, I think you're very active, cheerful, easy out-going person and really warm. So, MIZZ Chic is the best looks to describe who you are. I LOVE IT!

    1. Hahahahhahahaha thank you very much for the nice impression!

  44. I love the MIZZ Smokin! You still look really sweet but I kinda get the bad girl vibe with that kind of look. And also paired with the jacket, you look really nice and it suits you well. In conclusion, you look like a k-pop star!

    Crossing moi fingers!

  45. mizz schweet! its something that is just adorable!!! ヽ(=^・ω・^=)丿

  46. so pretty!! x3
    I love ci jess' eyes so much, it looks adorable ;;)

    cheer, michelle

  47. mizz smokin!!

    makeup, hair sama outfit bener2 cocok ci Jess! jadi keinget 2ne1 >.<
    sering2 bikin post begini suka juga ngeliat ada post ttg make up :)

  48. MIZZ Schweet

    It's just so pretty and cute!

  49. I love MIZZ Schweet since it looks so girly, cute, and natural :D
    sukaa sama outfit2nya <3

    Thanks for the giveaway yaa~

  50. My most fav is the MIZZ Smokin
    because it can make the eyes look larger without making it look too much :)
    hope I win

  51. My favourite look is Mizz Schweet! You look as sweet as sugar hehehe. The makeup is so natural and cute too :D
    wish to win those liners :D

  52. love MIZZ Schweet, because it's so simple and still makes you looked sooooooooooo cute XD


  53. My favorite look is MIZZ Schweet, Terlihat girly, simple, natural, manis, dan fresh .. XD kawaii desu ne ... Benar-benar terlihat seperti gadis usia 17-an, dan sangat manis jika mengaplikasikannya untuk kencan <3 kyaaa ~~~

  54. MIZZ Schweet! It looks best on you XD
    Keliatannya yg ini paling mudah karena cuma upper line. Dari segi mata sepertinya aku lebih cocok yg ini, kalau pake yg ada lower linenya, mataku kelihatan belo bangeet, aneh aja jadinya.
    Seems I gotta try this one. Utilizing eyeliner was never been a success. -____-'
    This mascara+eyeliner for me, please? :3

  55. Aku baru pertama kali liat review" diblog kakak.. WOW banget>< dan aku sampe' jadi tertarik banget nyobain eyeliner ini hehe~
    Favoritku MIZZ Smokin <3 karna lebih keliatan glamour dan elegant *-* selain itu bikin matanya jadi tampak sexy and bigger .. udah gitu natural dan fresh banget^^ whaaa i want it! XD wish me luck :3

  56. Hey ci Jess! You look gorgeous as always!
    Byw, i choose the MIZZ smokin look. Because my eyes is monolid and small, if i apply the eyeliner a little bit thick like the smokin look, my eyes will look bigger and nice hehe.
    Hope i will be the winner!

    Checkout my blog :

  57. Pengen nyoba eyeliner mizzu setelah baca post ini XD murah tapi ada kualitas, made in Indonesia lagi :D

    Paling seneng sama yang MIZZ Smokin! Cici mah gorgeous and pretty as always~ Mau diapain juga cantik, hahah

  58. you look great in all of them really :O
    but my fav look is MIZZ Schweet because it gives a 'good girl' vibe haha
    shineeingchica (at) hotmail (dot) com

  59. I like "Mizz Schweet" because it looks simple, but you can still look cute!!


  60. Mizzu smokin! Looks chic and sophisticated!

  61. I love Mizz Smokin the most because it gives a bigger eyes look, yet still looks very natural. It gives a very dramatic look without having too much of anything. It will just be great for hangout look <3

    Very inspiring tips and review :)


  62. i love Mizz Chic!
    It's so simple but still chic.
    super love those triangle on ur outer eye's corner. cute. :)

  63. I like MIZZ Schweet because it will make your eyes looked bigger while I myself have quite small eyes :)

  64. mizz schweet of course,
    because it makes you looks sweet yet simple, and it's perfect for no make-up look !

    Instagram: primalita


  66. I love the "mizz smokin" look because it makes your eyes look bigger and that's gorgeous! Btw, where can I buy that mizzu eyeliner pen? Thank you! :D

    Twitter: @ayumedina

  67. Halo kak, aku ikutan komen ya :D

    kakak cantik banget sih kayak orang korea gitu, aaaaa
    aku suka yang look MIZZ Chic
    kelihatan imut tapi ada glamornya gitu menurutku
    cocok banget buat mata kakak :3
    mau punya mata kayak gitu deh

  68. I like the MIZZ smokin' look because it is sexy but easy to do!

  69. i love the mizz schweet look ! bcause i always using the eyeliner as natural as possible. since my eyes are already bigger, and it suits for my day to night makeup. i always draw my eye line droopy so it gives a cute 'puppy-eye' look , i love it more than 'cat-eye' look hehe

  70. Mizz chic looks very good on you!^^

  71. at first I thought you are Jessica from SNSD, oh my god! you are so pretty and cute...

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Kyaaaa!! I love your flawless white skin! You look like Korean -_-
    ~Pauline @Kallony
