
December 01, 2013

Etude House Disney XOXO Minnie

A rather short review of (some of) the new collection from ETUDE x Disney: XOXO, Minnie; a collaboration concept that comes in limited editions.
Minnie Wink Lash #02 (미니 언더 래쉬), Minnie Touch Blusher (미니 터치 블러셔), Minnie Kissing Lips (미니 키싱 립스)
Okay, I have to admit that the urge to make this post is simply because it's DISNEY!!! I'm a huge fan, pardon me. Not a big fan of Minnie Mouse in particular, but still, it's Disney and I want need a touch of Disney in my blog!! XD
So, what I'll be reviewing today is these three items I got from my Instagram sponsor:
• Minnie Wink Lash #02 Minnie Under Lash (2호 미니 언더 래쉬)
• Minnie Touch Blusher (미니 터치 블러셔)
• Minnie Kissing Lips (미니 키싱 립스)

Let's start with the under lashes!
Minnie Wink Lash #02 Minnie Under Lash (2호 미니 언더 래쉬)
I don't really use bottom false eyelashes in my makeup routine because most of them make me look too gothic or too dolly but this one is veeeeery natural! It is very light in texture, the spacing of the lashes is just right (not too close to each other, most importantly) and even the color is not black, but brown, I believe. It comes with the glue inside the packaging, but I prefer using my D.U.P EYELASHES FIXER EX. The strip, however, is a bit too thick for my liking, which made it a little uncomfortable to wear. But so far, this is the best bottom lashes I've encountered.

Moving on to the blusher.
Minnie Touch Blusher (미니 터치 블러셔)
Quoted from the back of the box: "This is a multi blusher that flushes cheeks for a lovely Minnie look." As you can see, it has cool, pastel undertone of Lilac, Pink and Peach (on Minnie's face! So cute!! ✧_✧). As lovely as the colors are, I prefer rosy pink or peachy pink blushers because I like warm undertones more than cool ones. It doesn't come with a mirror or a brush. It does, however, create a very sheer feminine pink on your cheeks and it suits pale skin best.

Last but not least, the lipstick!
Minnie Kissing Lips (미니 키싱 립스)
This is my favorite of the three! I like red lips, but I never dared enough to swipe a bold, red lipstick on my lips; normally, I'd just dab it a little, rub my lips together and lick them to create naturally glossy (or grossy jigong-sy? lol) red lips. But THIS TIME I tried to swipe it on and tadah~~ looks pretty good, yes? Hahaha. I even swiped it a little out of my upper lip line for perkier look lol. This lipstick has a faint fragrance that smells pretty good to me. It also creates glossy finish (if you prefer matte finish, you can blot your lips with a tissue after using it. The color will stay and you'll have equally gorgeous red lips!) AND most importantly, the texture is creamy, it glided smoothly and felt very moisturizing on my lips. The color also stayed put for a pretty long time. I love it!

Now, now, all the mentioned points above lack one thing for sure: THE UBER CUTE PACKAGING DESIGNS!!! Gosh, I love them sooooooo much, they're so kawaii! I think they're the best selling point for this collection lolol. They also put attention to the little details, for example: XOXO means Hugs and Kisses, so they wrote it in the back of the boxes, just below the XOXO Minnie signature ^^. And, oh, even the barcodes are in the shape of Mickey Mouse's head. So, so cute! 

Earlier before; went for the opening of UNIQLO store in Mal Taman Anggrek (in case you're wondering, I haven't put on the Minnie Under Lash and Minnie Touch Blusher in this photo. I wore the Minnie Kissing Lips already, though; dabbed-kissed-licked a.k.a. jigong style):
GOWIGASA Red Knit Reindeer Sweater (upcoming collection), Chambray Relax Shorts in Blue Jeans

 Alright folks, that's all for today. Thank you for reading and see you guys on my next post~ ^^

Hugs and kisses,

Jessica Yamada


  1. Great post! I wish Etude House products were readily available here in the US, I do love their BB creams...I have to get them through eBay :( I'll keep these products in mind next time I order!

  2. ya ampun, packagingnya lucu lucuuuu :) aku suka minnie mouse, harus koleksi nih kalau ada budget, hehehehe. thanks reviewnya :) xx

    1. Iya Indi, kamu mah Minnie Mouse bangettt style nya ahaha.

  3. This etude xoxo minnie is must item! Thank you for your review<3 Have a nice day ci Jess;D

    With love,
    Xiao Ling Fat

    1. Thank you for reading! Yes, it's a must have, especially if you're a Disney collector! ^^

  4. I have never tried any etude products before but the blusher is sure a must try! and i'm gonna try your tip for getting a perfect lip color (jigong style you say? :))) )

    Pudding Monster

  5. The packaging is too cute!<3

  6. Jigong style! Hahaha! Should let Katy Perry kiss you and wonder if she still liked it.. *tastes like jigong, eh?


  7. so pretty! I love etude house and the minnie collection is just perf :D
    jigong style? hahaha that's funny x3

    cheer, michelle (join my giveaway)

  8. reviewnya keren kk aku juga pake product etude house :)

  9. ohmygoodness i stumbled upon your blog.... and you are just the cutest and most stunningly gorgeous girl ever!!! I've just followed you on GFC, looking forward to your next post love!!

    xoxo, Mango ❤
    MangoRabbitRabbit's Blog | Holiday Party: Nude Bandage Dress!

  10. I love your red sweater! i've been looking around for one just like it! :( keep up the posts!

    ~*~*~*~Btw, please check out my blog! If you leave any comments on my posts, I will happily

    return the favor!~*~*~*

    Thank you!<3

  11. Aku juga punya ci tapi sayang mau pake, terlalu cute packagingnya :D

    Karina Dinda R. ♥
