
February 01, 2014

Guest Speakers for Japan Beauty Week (Plaza Senayan, Jakarta)

Couple days ago, we were invited and given the honor to be the guest speakers at Japan Beauty Week event that was held by METI (Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) and Japan Cosmetic Industry Association on January 23-26th 2014 at Plaza Senayan, Jakarta.
Lookin nervous? Lol

The opening ceremony on January 23rd 2014 by JKT48. They're sporting OLIVE des OLIVE's (one of the supporting brand of Japan Beauty Week) kawaii clothes. (pic credit: Kawaii Beauty Japan)
Jess's outfit is also from OLIVE des OLIVE

Contrast with the clean setting of the event, the mall was filled with festive decoration to welcome Chinese New Year! They complemented each other beautifully, though.

So, what is Japan Beauty Week all about?
We found the event's page on Facebook and apparently, this event was held at Thailand couple months ago (Nov 2013). Wondering where the next spot for this interesting event will be. xD

So basically, it was a free event which purposes were:
• To introduce and educate visitors about Japanese beauty secret, tips and knowledge
• To introduce Japanese beauty products to the visitors; particularly the ones participated in this event: Astalift Indonesia, Rohto Hada Labo Indonesia, Kanebo Cosmetic Indonesia, Kracie Hadabisei, Menard Indonesia and Panasonic Beauty. All of them are some of the leading cosmetic brands in Japan, by the way. :D
Astalift cosmetics by Fujifilm
The event was a real. treat. Lots of curious passersby walked in and lucky them, they got to enjoy the privileges provided by the participating brands! Each booth offered either one or some of these: complimentary skin and hair checks, free makeovers, on-the-spot product trials, free samples, free gifts or merchandise, promotional discounts and of course... lots and lots of GOODIE BAGS containing valuable trial / travel sized products which aren't for sale anywhere!! We know, right?? ===(づ✧△✧)づ

There were also live makeup demo and beauty product demonstrations; which was a cool opportunity to study everything you need to know about the products offered there, how to apply them, etc. And even though you're not buying, it's still a great way to learn the right (or new) method of using our skin care and makeup at home. ;)

All Beauty Advisors (BA) of each booth were pretty active in greeting the visitors and asking them to step into their booths to enjoy the privileges they're offering!
Free makeover by Kanebo's Japanese make up artist
Free mask application at Kracie Hadabisei booth. They also gave away free masks for visitors. All they have to do? Just fill in a questionnaire! (ˆзˆ)-☆
A friendly Beauty Advisor (BA) from Hada Labo was giving a visitor free skin check with that sophisticated tool of theirs
Menard also offered free skin check and consultation. Their tool measures your skin's moisture level and suppleness, scans your skin's texture and melanin condition, and predicts the approaching danger to your skin that are caused by continuous exposure to UVA and UVB (sun's ultraviolet) radiation. >_< It will definitely make you pay more attention to your skin! ^^
BBlog booth! Along with Kawaii Beauty Japan, OLIVE des OLIVE, Million Carats and Halo Jepang!
Last but not least:
The Beauty Talkshow with Bloggers!
There were three bloggers per session and we would talk about beauty as we know it (full of struggles and maintenance for sure lol). In between the conversation, we also talked about our personal life, what we do for a living, our opinions of Japan, etc. :) Both our sessions were on January 26th. Jess at 12:15-12:45 PM and Elle at 17:15-17:45 PM. Guess who the host was? Stella Lee~~~~~ Lolll we were so excited when we found out about this. XD
Here's a glimpse of our conversation ^^
Stella (S) : How did you start blogging? What do you blog about?
Jess (J) : At first, me and my sister started blogging at 2011 to endorse our online boutique GOWIGASA. Unexpectedly, the blog itself gained its own followers and we began to blog more. Our posts are mostly about fashion, beauty and lifestyle, but we also blog about almost everything that happens in our life. :D
S : Do you like using Facial Mask? If yes, why and how often do you use it?
J : Yes, I love it! I'd use it everyday if I could. I love using facial masks because it gives so many benefits to our skin, like hydrating, brightening, anti-aging, etc.
S : What's your skin type? How do you take care of it?
J : My skin is sometimes dry and sometimes oily, very moody, eh? I use my day and night skin care religiously, apply facial mask whenever I could or need it, drink my vitamins and supplements every morning, drink a lot of water, eat a lot of fruits and veggies, always apply sunblock during the day, avoid touching my skin, and so on haha.
S : I heard that you're a big fan of Japan. What do you like about it?
J : EVERYTHING! I love the culture (my first influences were mangas and animes, of course), the food, fashion, makeup, everything about it! I even feel extremely happy whenever I'm in the minimarket. Sounds a bit sad, but it's true hahaha.

L-R: Stella Lee, Jess, Meiliani, Cominica ~We all had a very nice conversation!
LOL Stella always made silly remarks and expressions...
...that made me laugh like this
Telepathic moment
Me: "Do you hear me, tell?"
Stella: "Yes, I hear you.."
Meiliani is having a baby girl soon! Congrats, cute mum-to-be!
"Thank you all for coming~ Arigato gozaimasu!"
It just so happened that our camera's battery went off before Elle's session and we didn't bring the extra battery or charger, so the pics are limited like this. T_____T
L-R: Stella LeeMukti Lim, ElleVani Sagita <-- this particular girl was DAMN FUNNY LAH, click her name to find out how funny she is lol. And it turns out that she's our customer at GOWIGASA!! Double like her lolol.

Stella (S) : Why double cleansing is so important?

Elle (E) : Because it can remove all the makeup, dirt, bacteria completely, leaving your skin perfectly clean and minimize the risk of having skin problem like pimples or large pores.
S : Do you apply mask frequently?
E : I usually apply mask twice a week (sheet ones), but can be three or four times depends on my activities. If I wear heavy makeup for a photoshoot, for example, I will apply mud mask at night before I go to bed.

Overall, Japan Beauty Week was an awesome event! There were lots of provided freebies and facilities, yes, *ahem* but mostly because we met lots of nice and enthusiastic like-minded people who care about beauty as much as we do. :D Let's hope there will be more of this kind of event in the near future!



  1. omg stella's shoes are so pretty! wish i could go to this event ♥

  2. so cool! two thumbs for you all guys!

  3. definitely need to come to the next event to know more about Japan <3
    sounds so interesting!

    Diary of a Dreamer

  4. Gyaaaa~~ thanks for both of your kindness!! :*

  5. Congratulations and love your outfits.

  6. wow it's nice to see that indoneisa has this kind of events! <3

  7. Your pictures are really good. Can I ask what camera did you use?

  8. It's too bad that I missed the event, looks like it was an awesome one! xx

  9. wha.. love the event, too bad I can't be there that time.

  10. Jess' outfit is so chic and cute!

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