
February 14, 2014

Rilakkuma and Hello Kitty Store (Kiddy Land, Japan) GIVEAWAY!

I've actually blogged about Kiddy Land before (click here if you haven't read), but today I'm going to place the focus on Hello Kitty and Rilakkuma sections because I've noticed that many of you love them so much seeing how you guys reacted on my InstaVideos about the stores, so I thought they deserve more detailed coverage! XD

 Here's the pic of Kiddy Land that I took when I went there in October 2012! It's been my favorite place to buy souvenirs for my family and friends :)

Before we get to today's main stars, you might wonder whom you might bump into there! ;)

1. Studio Ghibli and Disney's characters on the 2nd Floor:
Tonari no Totoro~
The Catbus from My Neighbor Totoro :D
Jiji from Kiki's Delivery Service!
 The cutest tape-dispenser everrr!!
 Jess with Donald and Totoro <3

2. Action Figures on the 3rd Floor:
This Iron Man phone case is freaking cool!! Too bad it's for iPhone 5 only! T____T 

You can also meet LINE characters and Pullip dolls on the 1st floor! :D

Finally, on the 4th Floor:
Hello Kitty and Rilakkuma Store!!!

They carry almost everything related to the characters, from dolls to doormat to clothes to kitchen supplies!!
Although I think it's safe to say that Rilakkuma section is more complete than Hello Kitty. Maybe because there is also a Hello Kitty store at Tokyo Solamachi?

Anyway, watch this video to take a tour to the stores and see how adorable they are ^^ :

There's also a small section for Little Twin Stars characters like these super fluffy pastel Unicorn plushiesss! :)


What I Wore: '12' Sweater, Red Plaid Shirt, Sunglasses and Cross Necklace bought from Shibuya 109 | 'MEOW' Snapback and Denim Flare Skirt from GOWIGASA | Black Leather Boots from Japan (my favorite boots!!)

Took this photo at Dog Run - Shiba Park (芝公園 ドッグラン) near our hotel. I really love this park! So peaceful, beautiful scenery, and lots of cats and dogs (both pet and stray ones) playing here. 

G I V E A W A Y 

2 lucky winners will walk away with one of these kawaii gifts from Kiddy Land each:

And 5 lucky winners will walk away with this ultra cute Rilakkuma coaster each:

Simple rules to join:
1. Follow our blog via Google Friends Connect
2. Leave a comment below saying what's your favorite item from Rilakkuma and Hello Kitty Store (YouTube) VIDEO above + your email address
(e.g. My favorite item from Rilakkuma is the Hair Tie and from Hello Kitty section, I love the Kettle the most! -

♥ The giveaway ends on Feb 28, 2014 at 23.59 WIB (GMT+7 Jakarta time zone).
♥ Winners will be randomly selected and we will announce their names on our first blogpost in March 2014.
♥ This giveaway is open to Indonesian residents only.
♥ The prize will be delivered to each winners' address (we will take care of the shipping charge).

G O O D L U C K 

Don't forget to visit Kiddy Land if you go to Japan! :)

KIDDY LAND Information

6-1-9 Jingu-mae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Monday~Friday:[Open] 11:00-21:00,
Saturday, Sunday, and holiday:[Open] 10:30-21:00


Credit Cards 


Elissa Yamada


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love everything there but I must say that those Hello Kitty Dolls wearing Kimono are really cute! They're definitely my favorite item. Also those Hello Kitty Bags.....they're something you just can't resist. -

    Anyway, thanks for sharing your journey to Japan. It makes me want to know more about Japan and hopefully someday I can go there with my family :)

    Lots of Love,
    Pheobe A.

  3. i love the rilakkuma birthday cake replica and the kawaii hellokitty handbag <3 -

  4. Hi elle and jess ^^
    a japan lover too here :D
    been to japan but haven`t visited kiddy land yet due to limited time :(
    seems a really cute and interesting place especially for girls! will definitely gonna add this place into my list if i get a chance to visit japan again someday :D

    Just saw your youtube videos and awwww everything looks so cute!! i wanna buy them all! *drooling* i could scream "kawaaiiiii" every second lolz jkjk :p

    anyway, gotta choose one,hmmm.
    from rilakkuma parts, i would say i love that rilakkuma cases! it would make my phone looks much more cuter, right?right?X)
    while from hello kitty parts, those hello kitty glasses in cute colors would definetely makes me looks more girly. ;;)
    (although in truth, i also am in love with those big rilakkuma dolls in the first seconds and especially those hello kitty dolls in their yukatas as they are all so cute, but as i`m already mature enough to play with dolls, so......XD)

    Thanks elle and jess :DD

  5. My favorite item from Hello Kitty is the Kettle, from section Rilakkuma, I love the doll the most! I love ererything Rilakkuma. Kawai!!! >o<

    thanks for ur info.. especially all about the journey in Japan. I could imagine living there..^^v

  6. My favourite rilakkuma's item is that rilakkuma face shock >< and that hello kitty suitcase too ♡♡
    My email:

  7. My favorite item from Rilakkuma is the Korilakkuma iPhone5 case (below the Rilakkuma, on the very left), and from Hello Kitty, I love the Hello Kitty x Nina Mew quilted bag the most ♥︎♥︎ -

    thanks for sharing the tour video! love it! it's so difficult to choose which one I love the most LOL. they are super kawaii~~


  8. What's your favorite item from Rilakkuma and Hello Kitty Store?
    Well, my favorite from Rilakkuma is the cutlery!! And my Hello Kitty favorite are... those glasses!! Awwwwww how cute! And the bags! I wish I could have one!!!


  9. Ah, finally, a post about Hello Kitty store I loved so much!
    My favorite one is actually the totoro plushie you held but nevertheless, I really love that huge Kitty doll in the first picture! It's so somewhat adorable! -

    >anyway, I have the exact same plaid shirt like you, hehe :p

  10. Hi!
    my favorite item from Hello Kitty store is that hello kitty with kimono decoration, it's reaaaaallyyyyy cute and i feel like keeping it inside my room >< and my favorite item from Rilakkuma store is the rilakkuma doll with crab! simply because, I LOVE CRAB! and theyre also very cute! :)

  11. Hi cici elle and jess! Im oniko and 16. Ive been a fans of rilakkuma since i was in junior high because ITS JUST TOO CUTE!!!! >< so its really hard for me to choose.... what i love the most in rilakkuma section are the spoon,fork, and chopsticks because ITS JUST TOO ADOREABLE <3333 and from the hello kitty section, i find that the hello kitty teapot is so cool!!!!! I even imagined to make tea with it hahahaha. Oh and im one piece freak too! STRAWHAT ALL THE WAAAYY! you know what? There's strawhat sticker on line!!!! But unfortunately the fonts are... well.... not that good :p okay theenn. Thanks ci elle and ci jess! ^^♥

  12. OMG! This place is heaven! I am a hello kitty lovers, and I feel like I wanna buy all the hello kitties there...

    Okay^^ My favourite items from the Rilakkuma section is the hair tie! I have to tie my hair to school everyday, and that hair tie will makes me cuter and more attractive!! Righttttttttt? <3 And my favourite item from the hello kitty section is.... All maybe? T.T All of them are so cuteeeeeeeee! But if I have to choose, I would choose that Hello Kitty sling bag! It would makes me more fashionable, and cuter at a same time! ^^

    Thank youuuuuuu :)

  13. Hello Elle and Jess! ♥ ♥ ♥
    My favorite item from Rilakkuma is of course the cute doll of Rilakkuma. OMG the BIG one is soooo kawaii!
    And from Hello Kitty section, I love the humidfier or maybe that steam room heater one. I know it's not necessary for my city but who care? I do love it the most!!! He he he.
    Hope someday I can go to Japan and visit Kiddy Land. And maybe meet HYDE in there. And Tetsu, Ken, Yukihiro. OMG!!! (T__T) Ha ha ha. Sorry...
    Thank you so much!^^ ~~

  14. Hallo ci Elle ♥...
    I waiting this post after you post that video in Instagram so cute decoration and good colour.
    I hope I can go to Japan and can visit Kiddy land and Rilakkuma store of course hehehe
    Actualy I love all item rilakkuma but the most Item I love is the Extra Large Rilakkuma Doll in Rilakkuma section ,I love that in first sight I love that hhehehe WAAAAAA I realy realy exited in this post.
    Ouwh Jiji from Kiki's Delivery Service like you and Cici Jess,I don't know why becauce that cat like you and Jess co cute and graceful.
    I hope can win in this giveaway

  15. OMG!! ♥
    That place is such as heaven for me.. ><
    So many cute things from many cartoon and anime too, wanna go there if I can..
    My favorite item from Rilakkuma section is Rilakkuma Hair Accessories and Phone Cases..
    It looks really cuteee... >//< ♥
    And from Hello Kitty section, I ♥ the bag...
    Really, the Hello Kitty patterns is so cute and sweet, not to childish but look so feminine and fashionable...
    Hopefully I can got the opportunity to have it as Valentine Gifts from you, ci Elle and Jess.. >.<

  16. OMG!!! cc, aku suka bganet rilakkuma.. favorite aku bonekanya rilakkuma sama iket rambutnya.. tapi semuanya pengen aku rampok.. kyaaaa...!! patung gedenya juga lucu.. pengen ambil bawa pulang semua...
    thanks for the opportunity..

  17. hello ci elle ^^
    thank you for posting about this (extremely) adorable blog about rilakkuma & hello kity *blew tons of kisses in the air* lol jk
    so, my favorite item is the rilakkuma dolls (I LOVE EVERYTHING ACTUALLY XD) and the hello kitty tea kettle [IT WAS SO (EXTREMELY) ADORABLE!!]
    so, I hope I could win this give away *wml*

  18. Hello ci Elle and Jess, hope both you have fun there♥
    I love ci Elle picture holding the hello kitty doll because i'm always in love with hello kitty since i was a child >,<
    I hope can visit Kiddy Land too T_T
    My favorite from rilakkuma section are stationery and socks, so cutee!! and from Hello Kitty section is the home stuff and if I can visit there i hope can buy all that>,<
    Hope i can got the opportunity to have it as a gift from ci Elle and ci Jess :)
    Thankyouu ^^ -

  19. Hello ci Elle and Jess, thanks for make me 'crazy' while reading this post.
    They are look adorable and make me fall so deep >_<
    I love Korilakuma doll the most and from Hello Kitty section is eyeglasses. Hope i can get one of them

  20. Heyy ci Elle. i really enjoy your japan trip.always reading your blog and never bored hahaha
    my favorite item from Rilakkuma and Hello Kitty Store is hair tie. so adorable with the kuma ear :3
    and of course i love Kiiroitori plushie too >_<

  21. i love the Rilakkuma cutlery !!!! the Spoon especially, it is beyond cuuuuuuuuute & the petite Hello Kitty Kettle !!!

  22. Hello ci...have a wonderful trip in Japan, a country fulfilled with imagination and innovation...I love rilakuma in yukata and hello kitty in japanese kimono because they are reflecting their nationality...they are so adorable...hope I have a chance to go there too and adopt them as my bedtime friends :)

  23. I love all of them! If I could, I want to choose everything from both stores because all of the stuffs are soo cute. <3 <3
    But since I have to choose one from a the shop, then from Hello Kitty section I choose the kettle while from Rilakkuma section I choose cutlery (chopsticks, spoon, fork, etc.)

  24. Hello Elle and Jess :)
    Just saw your Youtube video and hmm actually it's hard for me to choose what's the most favorite item from Rilakkuma and Hello Kitty because both of them are super duper kawaii~~ :D
    Okay well I like Rilakkuma wearing the pink pijama or blazer or what (0:11 in the video), then from Hello Kitty section, I love the big one that you're holding (in the picture) hihihi
    Anyway, thank you for sharing the video. Hope I could go there someday :)


  25. My favorite item from Rilakkuma is the Rilakkuma cutlery and from Hello Kitty section, I love hello kitty in japanese kimono, they are loveable :)
    wish me luck,

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Favorite item from rilakkuma is the socks, many cute design on them aah too cute to use it laa. From hello kitty should be the kitchen stuff, tea pot with hk head aaa couldnt resist to always make some tea haha

  28. OMG my level of gregetan is peaking to the top right now!

    I can't stand the Rilakkuma socks! I would have bought each of them right away! OMG I will hunt them down from now on! lol
    I'm a sucker on Hello Kitty so it's really hard to define which one I fave the most. I would be whining for that kitty luggage on the quick last scene though. :D

    Oh I definitely counting this Kiddy Land in to my must-visit list! Thanks for sharing Elle.


  29. Hi Elle and Jess...
    Wow... cuteness overload~ i love Hello Kitty since elementary school, so seeing that much Hello Kitty in one place,, omg... #speechless...

    I like the Rilakkuma doll, the one with kimono on, i think it's so cute~ and don't forget about the socks... >.<
    and for the Hello Kitty, I think I love them all...haha... it's hard for me to choose,, but the bags and the kettle are the winner...hehehe...

    I hope I can win,, wish me luck~


  30. My favorite item from Rilakkuma is the doll and from Hello Kitty section, I love the cute Kettle so much! -

  31. from rilakkuma section , socks are the cutestttt ❤
    and from hello kitty section, the kitchen stuff like hello kitty kettle ! ❤

    Ruby and Rosa

    Good Luck! ❤

  32. waw what a lovely place! anyway, from the rilakkuma section, i love the rilakkuma dolls most. i imagine having lots of them on back of my car, that would make my journey more joyful. and from the hellokitty section, the kettle is my favorite. waiting for tea time would be greater with it <3 -

  33. omg..... I love Japanese thingy. and I hope to go to Japan someday.

    My favorite item from Rilakkuma is the socks and from Hello Kitty section, I love the Hello Kitty Kimono the most! -

    if you love Japanese things too, visit and follow my blog, sometimes I write about Japanese events in Indonesia.

    much love,

  34. My favorite item from Rilakkuma section is the Rilakkuma plush and from the Hello Kitty section, I love the handbag the most :) -

  35. I love the combo of Rilakkuma and Hello Kitty!! My favorite item in Rilakkuma section is the iphone case and my favorite item in Hello Kitty section is the Hello Kitty bag in classy look :D -

  36. OMG they're so cuteeeee, wish i were there ♥
    Favorite item in Rilakkuma section: rilakkuma cutlery so i can enjoy my food more.. lol
    from Hello Kitty section: Kitty figurine in kimono, so gorgeous ♥♥♥

    wish me luck♥

  37. I like the rilakkuma doll's hood! so adorbs :3
    i also like the hello kitty kettle because it shows that kitchen items can be adorable as well hehe
    my email is

  38. aaah the Rilakkuma socks are so cue <33 and my fav item from the Hello Kitty section is the tote bag xD~
    shineeingchica @ hotmail dot com

  39. my favorite from the Rilakkuma section is the socks. theyare cute. and from Hello Kitty section is the doll that wearing kimono and bring "kipas". hontouni kawaii.

  40. OMG OMG OMG that place is such a heaven for hello kitty's fan like me xD. I love everything in that store but hello kitty on kimono is my fav. They're super kawaii!

  41. just wondering if I get those cute memento from Rilakkuma and Hello Kitty Store. Anyway, I love the cuteness of hair tie from Rilakkuma section. Besides, the one and only doll that attracting me was Hello Kitty with kimono. Oh my God! Can't stand for it.
    thanks for this opportunity

  42. OH MY! I could spend forever in such places. My favorite item from Rilakkuma store is their cute Socks and from Hello Kitty store, I fell in love with those Kitties in Kimono! Anyway, thank you sooo much for your brief, lovely video tour to Rilakkuma and Hello Kitty store, it was awesome! -

  43. i love the the kawaii hellokitty handbag
    my email -

  44. hello, elle & jess :)

    my favorite item from the hello kitty part is the big head hello kitty doll! it's soooo fluffy :D

    and from the rilakkuma part definitely the phone cases! because i'm in love with cute phone cases :)

    thank you for reviewing such a kawaii place, looking forward to hear from you :) xoxo

  45. woow super cute rilakkuma <3 want it~~
