
April 25, 2014

PaperOne's The PaperMaster Game Review | PLAY & WIN!

Today we'll be reviewing this NEW, exciting game: The PaperMaster! ()

It's this addictive game that got us playing almost everywhere. At home, in the car, at the salon... the cafe with our new lazy dog...  E v e r y w h e r e !
It's.... the................
FYI, yes, you must sign in with Facebook to qualify for a chance to win. :D

You can choose the appearance and clothes for your character ^^

T H E  G A M E
First, you have to earn your paper, and it ain't that easy cause you have to nurture the Acacia tree and stop the bugs from harming it before it is harvested to make your papers!
Tappity Tap Tap! GO AWAY FROM MY PRECIOUS TREE, BUGS~~~!!!!!!!!!!!
After earning your papers, it takes you to the Office Challenge where you can earn points to WIN the actual prizes!
Remember Diner Dash? Well here in The PaperMaster, you have to assist your colleagues by:
 1. Taking their request,
2. Bring the right paper and
3. Choose the right printer and print it for them before the time runs out!
There are 3 types of paper and also 3 types of printers, so you must be careful. ^^ The challenge grows faster and more difficult on each level. Before you know it, your colleagues will turn impatient and more demanding! *sounds like real life? Lol*

Anyway, before you can continue to the next Office Challenge level, you always have to earn your papers by playing the Tree Resource Game first. Kinda annoying because you must be all fired up to go to the next level but this is also such a clever way to remind you that those papers must be earned through a process (well in this game, it takes your effort and time, right?), so you better not waste it. ^^b

Do we enjoy the game? YES! But most of all, we are personally delighted by this clever and environmentally friendly marketing idea from PaperOneTM because this PaperMaster game is so fun and addictive (not to mention the cute song + graphic) and yet it is very educative.
As you can see, the purpose of this game is to educate users (in REALLY fun way) about:
• How PaperOne nurture and preserve their natural resources before harvesting it
• The different types of usage of PaperOne papers, be it for home or office use. To name a few, it can be used for copying documents, making newsletters, school essays, account statements, design works, etc..

That's not all! The reason you have to play this awesome game is simply because of the........
Great Prizes!!!
- First 1000 downloads stand to win an iPhone 5s
(there are FIVE iPhone 5S available)
- Be The PaperMaster & Win an Epson Workforce WF-3521!!
The PaperMaster competition runs from 4 Apr (0000hrs GMT+8) to 16 May 2014 (2359hrs GMT+8) and is only open to Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia residents.

Participants are allowed to play as many times as they wish during the competition period and complete all five levels of the game to achieve the highest possible score accumulated throughout the game.

For the completion of each level, a participant may earn 10 bonus points for each Facebook friend (up to 5 Friends) who has downloaded and registered as participation of the Game upon his or her invitation.

For complete information about this game and competition, please click here.
Kompetisi PaperMaster ini berlangsung dari 4 April (pk 00:00) sampai dengan 16 Mei 2014 (pk 23:59) dan hanya berlaku untuk penduduk Singapura, Malaysia dan Indonesia.

Peserta diperbolehkan untuk bermain sebanyak yang mereka mau dan menyelesaikan semua lima level permainan ini untuk mencapai skor setinggi mungkin 
selama masa kompetisi berlangsung.

Setelah menamatkan setiap level, peserta bisa mengundang maksimal 5 teman Facebook dan 
mendapatkan ekstra 10 poin untuk setiap teman yang berhasil diundang dan mengunduh serta mendaftarkan diri sebagai peserta game ini.

Untuk informasi selengkapnya mengenai game dan kompetisi ini, silakan klik disini.

Izzit awesome or what?? Let's PLAY and WIN!!! XD

Go on, it's your turn NOW! ^^//

Click here to download the game and WIN the prizes (available in both Play Store and App Store)!! Good luck! ;D



  1. it looks fun! x3

    cheer, michelle

  2. DOM!! So cute! And lazy!!
    I used to have a Sammy too, named Twinkle. She was dead to a terrible car accident. :(
    She wagged her tail not right-to-left orientation but in circle (like heli). :') Does Dom too?


  3. Omg ci jess ,you look so cute ,even when you're playing with dom hmm dom was asleep though hihi

  4. Loh, ini dom yg nyasar di lift ya...

  5. omg so cute your dog ci elle, jess hihi <3 anw, i'll download that game, looks so fun!

    Hug and kisses,

  6. the game is super cute, gotta try it <3

