
November 06, 2015

How Romantic Am I? | Elle Yamada

Hello Friday, hello you!
When I hear the word 'romantic' I immediately think of lace and flowers. So happy I found this flowery spot to complement my outfit. If you live in Jakarta, you'd know how rare this sight is, lol.

Speaking of romantic, I don't consider myself a romantic person. All my ex-bfs and current bf told me that I'm an indifferent girlfriend lol. But I still enjoy watching romantic movies and getting my heart moved by them. So, in order to find out my romantic "level," I took a quiz!! Hahahhaa! Here's the result:
You are a little bit romantic, and a little bit practical. You may not go all out on Valentine's Day, but you have your own romantic inclinations that are sure to please your partner - when you choose to.

*nodnod* (︶▽︶)

If you want to test yours too, click here. Let me know your result in the comment box below!  

#OOTD: Look Couture Lace Dress | Elisa Litz Nude Pumps | By Invite Only Necklace and Ring



  1. that's so true! so hard finding those kind of sight hhaha
    loving the necklace and the dress is so lovely <3

  2. supeerr nice look! :D loving the ring!
    and i got this from the quiz~ You are a true, dyed in the wool romantic.
    gahh~ not sure if its a good thing or a bad. haha expectation level would be upper parr.

    everything magical

  3. nice dress, so lovely :)

  4. You are a true, dyed in the wool romantic.

    That was my result! Lol.

    Cute dress btw!

    Blog || Instagram

  5. such a lovely ring and necklace <3

    visit my blog

  6. Nice dress and I love the necklace <3

  7. You are a little bit romantic, and a little bit practical. You may not go all out on Valentine's Day, but you have your own romantic inclinations that are sure to please your partner - when you choose to. Most people fall in this middle range of romantic behavior, and there is nothing wrong with that. Just make sure that your partner is satisfied with your romantic leanings.

    Well at least im not alone in this

  8. Nice outfit coordination and location! Despite what the test saud, I think your outfit in this post has already shown your romantic side though.

    This is my result btw^^:
    You are a true, dyed in the wool romantic.

    Have a nice day :)

  9. maju mundur cantik, cantik...kwkwkkkw..
