
April 28, 2016

Guest Speakers for Japan Wave Expo (Central Park, Jakarta)

OMG it's been so long since our last blog post! We were busy helping our family business, preparing GOWIGASA's new collection (YES!), and Jess has been busy with her master degree too!

Ok ok, enough excuses!

Let us update this space with this event back in February where we were invited to be guest speakers! It was an honour, really, to be part of this big event called Japan Wave Expo. The topic of our talkshow was mainly about our personal style and Japanese fashion, because Japan Wave Expo was actually a Japan fashion event which aimed to introduce Japan fashion to Indonesia.

While we were on our way to Central Park, some of you snapped us some pics from the event:
...which made us very nervous!

Before our turn came, we relaxed a bit at T.G.I. Friday's for a short briefing.

Aaand, it started!
Hahah! Elle accidentally wore a matching leopard blazer with the MC! xD
 Jess was describing her OOTD. Her pinafore was actually from OLIVE des OLIVE, one of the Japanese brands that was presented at the event!
Elle also happened to wear OLIVE des OLIVE top and matched it with GOWIGASA high-waisted skirt.

We talked about how we adore Japan fashion and how it's influenced our style. We also love how (most of) the Jap always put extra effort to their outfits. If you've been to Japanespecially Tokyo, you'd know what we are talking about. Even the grandma&grandpa are so stylish!! Japan street style is always refreshing to see. :)

Besides our talk show, the event itself was filled with a lot of prestigious Japanese brands showcasing their latest collections, such as OLIVE des OLIVE, FIG&VIPER, and BOBSON. Take a look!
Japanese Hijab style! 
Happy to know more and more Japanese brands coming to Indonesia, always a treat to the eye! :D

The event was also graced by well-known singers from Indonesia and Japan, including Tulus and Hiroaki Kato.

After our talk show, we strolled around Tribeca Park to check out the fashion booths!

And what made our evening even more awesome was this!!
 Yes! We met our favourite member of JKT48, the super adorable Jessica Veranda! ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)
It was really nice meeting her! :)

Got to know some of the brands owners too!

And of courseee, meeting these lovely people!

Thank you for saying hi and being like super sweet!! :)

 With our cousins who accompanied us that day, Bianca and Brianna!

 The goodie bag from the event.

Selfie with the crowd! Thank you so much to everyone who came to see and support us!! :)

We'd also like to thank Japan Wave Expo, JETRO, and SYZYGY99 for inviting us. We had such a great time sharing and learning about Japan fashion! Hope to see more events like this in the future 

Photos by: Resky Ramadhan and Julius Sathya



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