
April 13, 2014

5 Tips for Rocking the Runway

With the vintage queen, Clara Devi :)
So, about last week I attended this event held by TRESemmé called The Runway at Senayan City, Jakarta. The event was fun to watch and it was so packed as you can see below:

What is The Runway actually?

The Runway adalah acara yang diselenggarakan oleh TRESemmé Indonesia untuk para Style Seekers (sebutan untuk fans TRESemmé) dimana para Style Seekers dapat merasakan pengalaman seperti top model, bersama para finalis Asia’s Next Top Model.

Peserta The Runway akan mendapatkan free workshop tentang make up, hair styling dan catwalk dari para professional di acara tersebut. Dan peserta The Runway juga berkesempatan menjadi TRESemmé YouTube Star.

Para kontestan Asia's Next Top Model 2 juga ikut hadir memeriahkan acara tersebut dengan cat-walking and posing on the stage:


1. Beli Shampoo & Conditioner TRESemmé di toko-toko terdekat dan simpan bukti pembelian
2. Tukarkan bukti pembelian dengan The Runway Kit. The Runway Kit berisi T-shirt, mini booklet mengenai tips & trik untuk menikmati The Runway, beserta tiket dan kode unik di dalamnya. Click here to know where to get The Runway Kit.
The Runway Kit
3. Setelah mendapatkan The Runway Kit, pastikan kamu mendaftarkan diri kamu di sini. Klik "How to Join" lalu nanti akan muncul tampilan seperti di bawah ini:
Kamu hanya perlu mengisi data-data yang diperlukan lalu klik "Submit"! :D

4. Prepare your Runway Shirt!
This is the shirt that you'll get inside the Runway Kit bag, which you must wear at the event. You can modify it as you like in order to express yourself and to stand out among other contestants!
For example, I will modify my shirt to be like my own red striped shirt (well, kind of). 
 You only need ONE tool to get it done: SCISSORS. And a sharp one, please.
 First, I'm gonna cut this part of the shirt to create the ties.
 After that, I'm gonna cut the shirt right in the middle to make it cropped!
  TADAH! Easy peasy right? Although I must admit the cutting is quite messy lol. But that's okay! This is not a designer contest :D
 NEXT! To make it more unique and outstanding (hence more attention), I'm going to write something on the back of the shirt! Yes, using NAIL POLISH! In vibrant color some more!!
Don't forget to slip in a book as a base for your writing and to prevent the nail polish from seeping into the front part of the shirt.
 I decided to write my name on it to make the judges easier to remember me!
Like, "The girl with the name written on the back." haha! I also added my horoscope symbol to make it even more memorable lol. Who knows if there is a girl named Elle too and she also writes her name on her back? Wouldn't wanna risk that...

You might also want to check this video out for some inspiration to modify your shirt:

5. Now that your runway shirt is ready, it's time to work on your presentation at the event! I'm going to share with you some tips from what I've learned during the event! :D

5 Tips for Rocking the Runway

When you reach the end of the runway (the point where there are a lot of photographers ready to snap you), DON'T JUST WALK AWAY:
Photo credit: Clara Devi
Just a simple classic pose like this is enough:
Lean on one hip, make an eye contact, and SMILE!
Or if you want to make a statement, you can pose like this lol:
Some of the contestants were really good at posing, they even TWIRLED:
::clap clap clap::
5.2. Don't walk too slow or too fast.
It will ruin the rhythm of someone behind you (poor her) and worse, it makes you look timid! Which is not a good quality in modeling.
Photo credit: Clara Devi
5.3. Wear comfortable shoes.
The way you walk depends on your shoes! Most of the contestants walked awkwardly because they walked in sky high stilettos, which are fine IF you're trained with them. But if you are not, better choose something that will help you walk steadily and confidently. REMEMBER, the judges will not judge you based on what you're wearing, but more on how you present yourself as a model.
I'd choose BOOTS of course!
Even though most professional models don't smile, but as an audience, I've got to say I feel happier if I see a contestant smiles! And then I will take a good look at her and try to remember her name. You can also wave and smile to the audience, it will surely grab many attention! :D

As for your eyes, pick a spot that you can stare at so you won’t get distracted by anything else around you! Never. Look. Down.
Photo credit:
Photo credit to this blog.

This is my last and most important tip. I know it must be nerve-racking when you are about to enter the stage, but just do these 4 simple steps to calm down:
-Take a deep breath three times
-Remember your training
-Repeat this to yourself: "I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful."

Ok that's all! I hope my tips will work for you :)

And here are some information about the event that you need to know:
This event will be held in 4 big cities in Indonesia:
Jakarta: 29 Maret 2014 (closed)
Medan: 12 April 2014
Surabaya: 26 April 2014
Makassar: 10 May 2014

Di acara tersebut akan ada penghargaan untuk best dress, best hair styling dan best catwalk dari setiap kelas.

Setiap peserta The Runway juga bisa berkesempatan untuk jadi TRESemmé Youtube Star berhadiah contract dari TRESemmé dengan mengikuti audisi saat acara berlangsung (harus mendatangi booth untuk TRESemmé Youtube Star).

♥Pada acara press conference juga akan ada launching produk TRESemmé yang baru yaitu TRESemmé Scalp Care (anti hairfall dan anti dandruff).

The Runway akan menjadi the biggest runway with the most model ever (event in the world).

Lumayan banget kan untuk sekedar pengalaman? Atau kalau kamu memang punya minat di dunia modeling, it can be a huge stepping stone for your career! Ayo buruan beli shampoo dan conditioner TRESemmé dan daftarkan diri kamu di sini. :D

Good luck, girls!! xx

Elissa Yamada