
April 08, 2014

HOW-TO: Aegyo Sal *Puffy, Smiling Eyes* in 3 Steps!

Aegyo Sal is a Korean make up trend which highlights the eye pouches located right under the lower lash line. I heard some people doubt this Aegyo Sal trend because they confuse it with eye bagsNote that the two are completely different, see below pic for comparison ^^
 You see, eye bags are the one that is caused by lack of sleep, too much crying and other bad stuffs that can only lead to tired, older looking eyes. Now Aegyo Sal on the other hand is the puffy part right below the lower lash line that's commonly more profound on children. However, it usually appears when you smile! Highlighting your natural Aegyo Sal will make your eyes look younger, cuter and more attractive. :D
  In this *freakishly* simple tutorial, I'm using Holika Holika Jewel-light Under Eye Maker.

Three simple steps Aegyo Sal!

1. Draw the outline with the dark side of the pen

2. 'Fill' in the inside with the bright side of the pen

3. Blend, blend, blend

How is it? Super easy, right?? Hahahahahaha

This is how it looks like when I use it on my hand. The dark (brown) color and the bright (white) one look pretty vivid to me. I also love the fact that this is a two-in-one tool (both the dark and bright colors are here, very efficient!). The only thing I dislike about this useful tool is that the texture is kind of like a dry crayon, which requires you to rub your eyes; which is not good because your eyes' skin is very sensitive and the more you rub, the easier it ages *shriek*. However, you can try dabbing it little by little instead of rubbing it. ^^

Sweater is part of upcoming New Arrivals from GOWIGASA 
Okay then, thank you so much for reading and don't forget to leave some comments and see you guys on my next post~~ (ˆˆ)づ♡

Jessica Yamada


  1. Holy crap! I've been looking up a "bug-eye", "puffy eye", fat lower eyelid", ect... tutorial for years! I never knew it had a name despite all the Korean dramas I watch. Thanks so much for sharing this!! ♡♡♡

    The Fashann Monster

    1. Pengakuan tulus dari saya sendiri IBU ENDANG WULANDARI .saya mau mengucapkan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga,serta dan rasa kagum yang setinggi-tingginya kepada KI KANJENG DEMANG,saya kerja sebagai PEMBATU HONGKONG selama 9 tahun di HONGKONG ,dengan gaji lebih kurang 2.jta 5000.ribu /bln,tidak cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari,apalagi setiap bulan harus mengirim uang dikeluarga di jawa barat, sudah lama saya mengetahui roomnya ini, juga sudah lama mendengar nama besar AKI, tapi saya termasuk orang yang tidak terlalu percaya dengan hal seperti itu, jadi saya pikir ini pasti kerjaan orang iseng tetapi kemarin waktu pengeluaran, saya coba2 pasang angka 6D benar2 tidak percaya dan hampir pingsang,angka yang di berikan KI KANJENG DEMANG ternyata fositip tembus, awalnya saya coba2 menelpon, saya bilang saya terlantar di HONGKONG, tidak ada ongkos pulang,terus beliau mebantu kasih angka 6D, lansung saya disuruh mendaptar jadi member mulanya saya tidak percaya, mungkin angka ini keluar, tapi dengan penuh pengharapan saya pasangin kali 100 lembar, sisa gaji bulan ternyata tembus….!!!sekali lagi terima kasih banyak KI KANJENG DEMANG, saya sudah kapok kerja jadi pembantu,rencana minggu depan mau pulang aja ke jawa barat,,buat AKI,saya tidak akan lupa bantuan dan budi baik AKI. yng berminak ingin minta angka goib silakan hubungi KI KANJENG DEMANG Di Nomr ini 081-234-666-039 terima kasih....????>>>ATAU KLIK DISINI

  2. you look so prettyyyyyy~ x3
    that product seems to be a good one! :D

    cheer, michelle

  3. mukanya mulus banget, mind to share your skincare routine maybe?

  4. Nice tutorial ci Jess, thanks for sharing :)

    Karina Dinda R. ♥

  5. Hello Gorgeous! Lovely tutorial! Looking forward to your future posts. ;D

    <3 Carsla
    Founder & CEO of Connect-the-Cloths
    A stylist, foodie, & writer's blog in development.

  6. Good tutorial !! Love it!

    Visit my blog :
    Love, Alven.S <3 #PassiondeLaMode

  7. Simple and easy tutorial! Gotta try it someday! :D


  8. Thank's jess for the tutorial... i've been waiting this tutorial since i sent the email... luv ur blog and of course both of u... <3

  9. Very simple tutorial & love the aegyo on you! ^^


  10. Both of you are so charming .....

  11. can you please post about how you do your hair and eyebrows?? I'm dying to know how!! >< hehe

  12. I understand how it works. When I first read your title I wondered why anyone would want underneath their eyes to look more puffy. However, after you explained and showed the pictures, I see what you mean. It's just another way of highlighting the eyes.

  13. Hello Gorgeous! Lovely tutorial! Looking forward to your future posts. ;D

  14. Replies
    1. I get those naturally after crying so......
      Step 1: Get sad
      Step 2: Stub your toe for good measure
      After a while you'll get perfect eyes...

  15. Awesome Jewel Light Under Eye Maker. You look beautiful :)


  16. Pengakuan tulus dari saya sendiri IBU ENDANG WULANDARI .saya mau mengucapkan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga,serta dan rasa kagum yang setinggi-tingginya kepada KI KANJENG DEMANG,saya kerja sebagai PEMBATU HONGKONG selama 9 tahun di HONGKONG ,dengan gaji lebih kurang 2.jta 5000.ribu /bln,tidak cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari,apalagi setiap bulan harus mengirim uang dikeluarga di jawa barat, sudah lama saya mengetahui roomnya ini, juga sudah lama mendengar nama besar AKI, tapi saya termasuk orang yang tidak terlalu percaya dengan hal seperti itu, jadi saya pikir ini pasti kerjaan orang iseng tetapi kemarin waktu pengeluaran, saya coba2 pasang angka 6D benar2 tidak percaya dan hampir pingsang,angka yang di berikan KI KANJENG DEMANG ternyata fositip tembus, awalnya saya coba2 menelpon, saya bilang saya terlantar di HONGKONG, tidak ada ongkos pulang,terus beliau mebantu kasih angka 6D, lansung saya disuruh mendaptar jadi member mulanya saya tidak percaya, mungkin angka ini keluar, tapi dengan penuh pengharapan saya pasangin kali 100 lembar, sisa gaji bulan ternyata tembus….!!!sekali lagi terima kasih banyak KI KANJENG DEMANG, saya sudah kapok kerja jadi pembantu,rencana minggu depan mau pulang aja ke jawa barat,,buat AKI,saya tidak akan lupa bantuan dan budi baik AKI. yng berminak ingin minta angka goib silakan hubungi KI KANJENG DEMANG Di Nomr ini 081-234-666-039 terima kasih....????>>>ATAU KLIK DISINI
