June 27, 2011

Live, Love, Laugh!

We all want love in our life, we all want to laugh, but sometimes life can knock you down and toss you around a bit. When life does this to you, just remember these 3 words: Live, Love, Laugh.

Remember that we are not promised tomorrow, if you have lost someone close to you, you know exactly what this means. So, live your life to the fullest.

Wake up each morning ready to face life, ready to learn something new, ready to try something new.
Let go of your cares and engage yourself in life.

First and foremost, love yourself. How can you love anyone else if you don't truly love yourself first. Be good to yourself, take care of yourself. Don't let others abuse you and stand up for yourself. Love others. Be kind, give a smile, a kind word, a helping hand. There is no greater emotion than love, so show it to others and yourself.

"A baby is born with a need to be loved - and never outgrows it."
Hug is the deepest language to say "I love you" or "I miss you so bad"
"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile."

Learn to laugh at yourself and at life. Laughter is a natural high. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Rent some funny movies, go to a comedy club, read a funny book. It has been proven that laughter can help sick people get better.
Keep laughter in your life. Sometimes you have to laugh when it hurts, because it can change your mood, lift your spirits, and keep you from letting life's battle field take you down. So always remember to live, love and laugh!

"A good time to laugh is any time you can."
"A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book."
"Remember, men need laughter sometimes more than food."

Article and Image source: all over the Internet.

June 17, 2011

Helping out a little brother

Last week I went to my brother's campus, FMDS, to help him out with his photography assignment (yes I have a little brother, and YES I am a good sister). He wanted me to be the model, but before we started, I took the opportunity to take some pictures of my own outfit! :D

Jess said my shoes were like Goofy's shoes...
...she can be mean sometimes.

How much space is too much space?

When men date women they lose some of their personal space. There is nothing wrong with that — by dating you, they are agreeing to let you into their world to see how you like it. But like your space, their space is personal and to intrude upon it everyday will make him feel crowded.

Take a look at the table below to know your boundaries.

Too little space Just enough space Too much space
You call him up on the hour, every hour, throughout his workday You call him up once, just to see if he’s had lunch. You make it a point to never call him during office hours
Your weekend schedule starts with meeting him at 9am on Saturday and
ends when you kiss goodnight at 10pm on Sunday.
You wait for him to call around lunchtime Saturday to meet for a
movie and maybe a quiet dinner later on.
Neither of you call each other. After all, you’ll probably bump into
each other at the flea market.
You know the names of all his girlfriends from age five
You know the name of his last girlfriend. You don’t know if he’s had any girlfriends before you or not.
You insist on using your voice for his voicemail welcome message:
“Hi, this is John’s phone, but he’s not available right now…”
His voicemail has his voice and your voicemail has yours. His voicemail has the husky voice of some other woman you’ve never
met, breathing, “John’s a little, um, preoccupied just now, but if you
leave your name…”
When he calls, you know it’s him. When he calls, you get a feeling that it could be him. When he calls, you’re sure it’s not him.


Article source: http://bit.ly/mzRwrU


elle and jess

June 15, 2011

Raise Hopes, Lower Expectations

When you hope for something, you don't know if it will happen or not, but you hope that it will. For example, you can hope for a miracle.

When you expect something, you believe there is a good chance it might happen. That's why they often
lead to disappointment — especially if they are unrealistic.

"Keep your hopes high, your expectations low, and your minds open."

June 13, 2011

Sweet Disposition

Captured by @jessyamada

H&M soft pink blazer, GOWIGASA lime shorts


Yes, new style of bangs as my bangs have grown out.

I always love the touch of lime!

If you love the shoes, you can get them at solestruck.com :)

June 10, 2011

Seven Sins

Have you ever heard of the Seven Deadly Sins?
Yes, they are Greed, Gluttony, Wrath, Sloth, Envy, Lust, and Pride.

We took one of the many quizzes about it today, here is the link:

And here are our results (we both scored the highest in Pride!):

Pride:Very High

Lust:Very Low

We have no comment regarding the results hahaha... Do try this exciting Quiz yourself, though ;)

Click here:

June 09, 2011

Italian Style Town, Tianjin

In front of the hotel (in Beijing), before taking off to Tianjin.
Brick wall <3
There were 2 pre-wedding photo shoots when I was there, many gorgeous spots to capture your memories indeed.
After checking out the other restaurants, I decided to have dinner here since I wanted some Italian food.

June 04, 2011

Touch of Midas by Hendra Kusuma

Most photographers nowadays fall into a comfort zone where they continue to use the same kind of photography style, BUT these pictures you're about to see are no ordinary beauty shots that you can find almost everywhere.

Get ready to be AMAZED by this young and (SUPER) talented photographer, Hendra Kusuma.

ALL wardrobe was mixed and matched creatively by HK! Is he a GENIUS or what!?
The left dress is my favorite one!

Can you believe it's ME in all these pics? Me neither!! The make-up was UBER COOL!!! Done by Krystel Perfecta!


Another breath-taking shots by him:

Interested? You can reach him by clicking the picture below:
He's absolutely friendly, you're gonna love him!