Showing posts with label ZARA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ZARA. Show all posts

September 10, 2012

A Pop of Neon

Just one of those lazy Mondays...

I put on my new favorite floral pants from ZARA again and again –Truth be told, I don't really like wearing pants, but these ones are REALLY comfortable! Was going to be all black and white today, but then I remembered this pink neon sweater from GOWIGASA, and there you go! A pop of neon :D

GOWIGASA neon sweater | ZARA floral pants | GOWIGASA black vintage bag | Tolliver white mary-jane pumps

Anyway, I just finished watching Sex and the City series, and now I need a new goal in life.

September 06, 2012

Purple Wolf

New Look wolf printed top | GOWIGASA bag | UP shoes | ZARA belt | Forever21 chain necklace | ALDO bracelets

With or without jacket?
Do you think GOWIGASA should sell the lilac denim shorts? :)

As promised, I will announce the Chicnova x ElleandJess Giveaway winner today!
And here is the lucky number!! *fireworks*

♥ Valencia Maximillian ♥

Congrats dear! The lovely people at Chicnova will contact you for the prize, so look out for the email! :D 

And thank you so much for those who participated!
There will be more giveaways coming soon, stay tuned! ;D 

September 01, 2012

Woof vs. Meow

Just-for-fun personality test!
Are you a dog person or a cat person?

I believe we are a bit of both but usually leaning towards one more than the other, right?
For me, I am leaning towards cat and so is Jess (I guess that's why we are so compatible in addition to our well-matched zodiacs!).

So, how do you know which type are you?

*scrolls :D*

Cat people are 11% more likely to be introverts and less likely to be active joggers or bikers.
Dog people are 15% more likely to be extroverts and 36% more likely to be very active outdoors.

Cat people are more likely to enjoy ironic humor and puns.
Dog people are more likely to enjoy slapstick humor and impressions.

Cat people are more likely to wait for technology to prove itself before buying.
Dog people are more likely to be early adopters.

Cat people are more likely to prefer individual competition over team competition.
Dog people are split evenly on whether they prefer individual or team competition (50-50).

Cat people are generally more neurotic; however, they are also more "open" than dog people. Open to experiencing new things, to hold 'unconventional beliefs' or to unusual ideas that is, thus it allows them to be more creative but also getting painted as "weirdos."

Dog people tend to have more conventional or traditional interests.

Dog people are more agreeable and extroverted, which make them more sociable than Cat people.

Dog people are also more conscientious.
"Conscientiousness" is a tendency to show self-discipline, to complete tasks, and aim for achievement.

Cat people are people who value their own time, enjoy doing things on their own, and want to be able to spontaneously take off for a weekend and such.

They are also more independent than Dog people; just like cats who don't need walks, don't need you to let them out to pee, and don't fall into a depression if you won't play with them.

A cat person doesn't really like to bond with many people. They might even give the impression of arrogance, while in fact they are just shy and passive, and they feel like they need to know you first before you can be friends. You have to earn their trust. That's why cat people tend to only have a few close friends that they are comfortable with.

As for me, the closest people in my life consist of both dog and cat person, and my BFF is totally a dog person (opposite attract?) ☺

ZARA top, floral pants, leather jacket | GOWIGASA neon bag | Jeffrey Campbell Ford heels | GOWIGASA vintage glasses | Unbranded neon belt
I'm a cat person who is in love with a dog.

Which type of person are you? Share them below! : )

August 27, 2012

Summer Lilac // Chicnova $50 Voucher Giveaway!! (CLOSED)


For this giveaway, we teamed up with the adorable online boutique which implies beautiful and modern design. And now they are offering one of our beloved readers (YOU!) a $50 Voucher to their shop!!!


1. Like Chicnova on Facebook, or Pinterest, or Tumblr

2. Like Gowigasa on Facebook

3. Leave a comment below this post saying what's your favorite item on Chicnova along with your name and email address

Here are some of my favorite items on Chicnova (under $50):
Lilac shirt, Denim shorts, Studded necklace, Studded Bracelet, White skinny belt, Animal print tanks, White Sneakers, Denim Vest, White clutch, Neon sheer blouse, Contrast bag

♥ This giveaway is OPEN INTERNATIONALLY and the last day to enter is November 6, 2012
(The winner will be chosen randomly)


One of the things I love about my country, Indonesia, is that it's always Summer here. I know sometimes it can be rrrreally hot that it makes you want to punch a baby, but look on the bright side! You can wear shorts everyday!! Well, it is an advantage for a shorts fan like me :D

Pssh... I'm going to spoil you something: both the glasses and floral high-waist shorts will be available on SALE at GOWIGASA's next collection!! XD
Finally got myself a pair of white sneakers, thanks to Chicnova!
I always prepare myself a light sweater or cardigan in case I get a little chilly! And this mint sweater from GOWIGASA is just a purrfect match for today's outfit, don't you think? :D
Pretty studded necklace from Stradivarius!

GOWIGASA round glasses | Chicnova white sneakers | ZARA white bag | GOWIGASA floral shorts | Stradivarius studded necklace | GOWIGASA light sweater | ZARA white belt | Lilac Top from Hongkong

July 28, 2012

Catch Your Dream

Hi, everyone! Happy Saturday!
I'm going to do a quick outfit post as I need to take Hyde to the vet asap (I just noticed some rash on his feet! T__T)

So here I am again with another pastel colored outfit! Still haven't recovered from this pastel fever yet. There is just something about pastels that is so dainty, so fragile, and so dreamy... which somehow makes you feel calm and relax. I think that's why people tend to associate pastels with babies, no?

As fans of pastel colors, Jess and I were so happy to receive this lovely Dream Catcher Necklace from Indiego Shop. This necklace is such a perfect way to enhance our pastel outfits (that sometimes can be boring)!

Visit their store for more Dream Catcher Necklaces, or if you are simply looking for pastel colored or native accessories. : )

Oh, many of you have asked me about what contact lenses I'm wearing? The answer is: Princess Mimi Bambi in Gray color! You can get them at Gowi Lens (click!) for IDR 125.000 only!! To order simply Text: 0878-8661-9819 or Email: ♥

PROMO for our readers: Use code ELLEANDJESS to receive 5% DISCOUNT*!!! : )

*for Princess Mimi Bambi only

ZARA sweater | Indiego Shop dream catcher necklace | New Look floral wedges | Armani watch | Forever21 bracelet | Clarabelle flower headpiece | Etude House nail polish

"If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse."
–Walt Disney

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."
C.S. Lewis

"There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure."
Paulo Coelho

"Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
H. Jackson Brown Jr.