June 04, 2011

Pick up your Spirits!

Mustard Cardigan and Leopard Dress from GOWIGASA

June+Julia's Febrina Suede Heels


15 quick ways to pick up your spirits:

1. Keep a running list of inspiring quotes and uplifting jokes. Refer to them when you need to.

2. Call a friend and ask her to tell you her favorite joke.

3. Fake a smile for 5 or 10 minutes.

4. Close your eyes for a few minutes.

5. Call your mom.

6. Look through old scrapbooks or personal journals.

7. Go outside. A few minutes of fresh air can do wonders for your mood.

8. Go for a very quick jog.

9. Keep a gratitude journal, in which you write down things that you are thankful for. This is a great way to start and end each day. For a quick "pick-me-up," write as many gratitudes as you can in one minute. Don't think; just write.

10. Make something. Use your creative mind, and create something with your own two hands, whether it is a piece of jewelry, a scrapbook page, a pretty floral arrangement or a batch of cookies.

11. What is your biggest goal (or your biggest problem)? Do one thing that will contribute to its completion (or its solution.)

12. Eat something healthy and fresh. You could be feeling blue because your blood sugar has taken a dip. Eat a bowl of fresh fruits or vegetables.

13. Pour a cup of hot cocoa or a cup of coffee and read a favorite magazine for a few minutes.

14. Turn on music. Your favorite tunes can really lift your spirits. Use classical and jazz to calm; rock and roll or hip hop to energize.

15. Mark Twain said, "The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up." He's right, and it doesn't have to mean a big time investment. Just do something thoughtful for someone, right now.

If your mood doesn't brighten right away, go with the flow, and accept your mood just the way it is. It is okay to be feel blue every now and then. Let yourself rest, and give yourself time to restore your own happy mood in your own natural time. :)

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/334147

May 08, 2011

Introducing my new babies!

Taking out my Ford babies for a stroll.
Wearing GOWIGASA Top which will be launched tomorrow!! YAYY

Errhh my black roots are starting to show! Gotta dye it soon!
Introducing my new babies! Jeffrey Campbell Ford!! Love love love it so muchhh! ;)
My best friend, Rudy! It was definitely too bright for him, yet he still stayed with me until the end of the shoot. kisses!


"It's more important to be kind than to be right." --Wayne Dyer

To choose kindness over ego... well to be honest, I'm still working on it.

May 06, 2011

I may be rude, but I'm the truth

ZARA bag and Chiffle cardi from GOWIGASA

LOLA Boots from June+Julia


"You cannot not love a person once you know their stories."

So, before you judge someone, find out more about the person and the situation first, because you most likely have no idea what is going on and would probably change your view afterward.

May 04, 2011

Down to Earth

Playing with earthy tones. :)

Febrina Suede Heels from June+Julia

Chin up!

Mustard Cardigan from GOWIGASA


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to hit the gym with my friends! :D

May 03, 2011

Somebody to love

MANGO blazer, f21 purse

ZARA top, Gitchy skirt, Steve Madden shoes


How much can you learn from watching a film? For me, it's A LOT.
One of my favorite TV series that has taught me loads of lessons in life (and being a woman) is Desperate Housewives. If you are a fan of the series too, you must be familiar with the narrator's voice, Mary Alice (the one who shot herself at the beginning of the story). I always find her quotes profound and worth to remember, well actually I love many quotes from each character. That Marc Cherry guy sure knows how to entertain and make us learn something at the same time.

Anyway, here is the most recent quote from Mary Alice that I find to be very true:
"The things that bring us pleasure may not be enough to give our lives meaning, without someone to love."

I always thought the saying "Money can't buy us happiness" was completely wrong, but when I heard that quote from DH, I began to imagine what my life would be if I had all the money in the world but I didn't have, well as lame as it sounds, somebody to love. Yes money can make us feel happy, proud and all that, but only for a short period of time, our lives would still be empty without love. The feeling love brings is something you can't describe.

April 30, 2011


Well last weekend I just turned 22 and I had a GREAT time with my friends celebrating it at Kemang. At first it didn't go really well though, like I spent my 00:00 birthday in the car surviving traffic jam (wtf), and there was this awkward moment when Yansen called me (he's in Shanghai) and my friends got silent all of a sudden and listening to our convo lol! Then the place we intended to go was so packed and there were so many waiting lists already (yes I forgot to make a reservation), sigh.

But thanks to my lucky star, we got a table at Vin+!! It is a wine boutique with more than 800 wine labels from all over the world. :)

With my girls, Olivia (left) and Raissa (right). The ones I can talk almost everything with, from juicy gossip, bitchy talk to future plans. ;)
Mike and Rudy. Hey this is the 1st time Mike appeared on my blog! :D
Only five glasses because Fendy hasn't finished his scene yet. boo! He missed the good wine!
The couple, Fendy and Olive, they look so cute together, don't they? :)
Raissa's face has already turned red haha, she gets reddish very easily, no need to wear blush anymore, envy!
Mike comes in blurry!
High-school friendsss! Anyway I was wearing black leather jacket from GOWIGASA, hahaha tetep.

 Don't ask me why Mike was smiling unnaturally like that! *slap! Anyway this is the last pic of us at Vin+ because the place was closing.

So we moved to the 2nd Floor! (still in Kemang). Ok beer first...
...then SHOTS!!
What happened after that can be read from the previous post by Jess ha-ha cos I can't remember a thing. I don't usually get hangover lah, it was merely because my birthday night so I thought why not make it unforgettable one by going all out.lol. Besides I was with my best-friends so I knew they would take care of me, and they did. Love you sahabat!! :)♥


Anyway, I want to thank you guys so, SO MUCH for all of the birthday wishes through Facebook, Twitter, bbm, text messages, phone, face2face, etc! THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart, I had a really wonderful birthday. :)

Also, I'd like to give my special thanks to this sweet girl, Jessica Xu, who made this drawing for me:

Very beautiful and sweet, MAD LOVE!! I wish I had the hard copy so I can hang it on my bedroom wall!


April 27, 2011

Work Hard, Play Hard: Elle The Birthday Girl!

On April 24th, Elle was having a birthday and I witnessed something I would never, ever forget. But, before I put down everything here, let's recite the things that happened lately before D-Day. Or should I say... E-Day? ;)

April 22nd: We had GOWIGASA photoshoot at the apartment. The shoot went great and we're beyond happy with the result! We will upload the new arrivals by next week ;)

My pretty Elle during the photoshoot

After the shoot, we went to Grand Indonesia for a walk, a hair do and of course, a meal. Went to my currently favorite eating place: Soup and Spoon!

Ordered these healthy + yummy treats:
Asian Tofu Salad, Iced Lemon Tea, Beef Goulash Soup, Tangy Tomato with Basil Soup.
We got the salad and tea by adding IDR 11.000,- only. Healthy meals that are easy on the pocket, huh ;)?
Going back to the car, we passed Ninety-Nine and decided to sit down for awhile :b Last time I went there, I didn't take any pictures of this beautiful spot, so here goes:
Ok lah only one. But wait...
Tadah! A picture of me on the restaurant!! With Mr. Shiny Head on the background.
Ah, we had the sweet red wine (Piemonte Brachetto) and Pistachio Creme Brulee for dessert:
yummy yummy yummy
Last pic of us (before going home that night). Both escalators were already switched off by the time we took this picture. But still, kids, don't try this at home :b 

The next day on April 23rd, we spent one night in Grand Hyatt hotel for another GOWIGASA photoshoot. Yes, there are plenty of new arrivals coming up ;) Here are some random pics during the shoot..

After 3 hours photoshoot, we had our dinner at The Marmalade Pantry, Plaza Indonesia.
A shot inspired by a dear friend ;)
Yummy Foodie: Sweet Red Pepper and Tomato Soup, Leek and Bacon Quiche, Spaghetti Aglio Olio..
 We also ordered Summer Smoothies and Daniel Smoothies for the drink. Elle really love the spaghetti (well, it's almost certain because she's a die-hard pasta lover!) while I'm in love with the smoothies. I specifically ordered the kind waitress to change the orange in my Daniel Smoothies with strawberries and she changed it, yay! Love it so much because all the ingredients are all my favorite: Banana, Oatmeal, Soy Milk, Honey, Natural Yogurt and of course, the exchanged Strawberries. Not that I dislike oranges, but I'd prefer strawberry smoothies than the orange one. Not that all of you care about my smoothies preferences, but I'm still letting you know anyway :b

Ah, there goes the smoothies!
Pasta girl

Done eating, we went back to the hotel room. Captured these amazing shots behind the window:
Bunderan HI, as seen from room #1708, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Elle went out with her friends afterwards, while I preferred to stay in the room watching this not-so-interesting Korean drama (title: Playful Kiss). If it weren't for the kawaii handsome actor Kim Hyun Joong, I'd rather watch Cartoon Network. Oh by the way, Grand Hyatt provided us the DVD player! Nice service :) After hours watching the actor drama, I fell asleep. Then, IT happened.

04.30 AM - April 24th 2011
I was asleep when my phone rang. It was from Elle. I picked up and said 'happy birthday' before I realized it wasn't her, it was her friend, Raissa instead. She asked me to wake up and 'help' her with the birthday girl. I went to the toilet and the next thing I knew, Raissa went into our hotel room using Elle's key. She was with Rudy too; both of them were Elle's classmates in highschool and they've been best friends ever since :D They were making a fuss while I was still in the toilet, but I didn't hear Elle's voice. After a while, I finally came out and what happened next is best described with these pictures:

Wondering what is this? Take a wild guess.

HAHAHA, ladies and gentlemen, I present you... The Hangover Birthday Girl carried on a wheelchair by her loving friends lollollol XD!!! Told ya, Grand Hyatt's service was really nice, they even provided wheelchairs for -uhm- incidents like this. LOL

Oh by the way, there was this ongoing conversation behind this picture:
(All conversations below are in Indonesian. I didn't translate them into English because, uh, I was too lazy to do that.)
Rudy: "Cijey brengsek amat nih jadi enci bukannya bantuin malah foto-foto."
Raissa: "Iya mending lu balik ke toilet aja deh, cijey!"
Jess: "Haha pose dulu, pose dulu."

Both Rudy and Raissa were very helpful, they stayed and helped Elle ease her nausea until the next hour before they finally went home. Both of them told me what happened that night: Elle was challenged for a drinking competition, and she got cheated all the way because -of course- she's the birthday girl. Everybody faked drinking the liquor but she just kept drinking and drinking, til BOOM! Alcohol went up! They also told me that Elle was dancing with this famous Indonesian fashion designer while she's drunk, hahaha.

Anyway, Elle finally fell asleep and the next day when she woke up, she didn't remember a damn thing about what happened that night, not even how she got back to the hotel! We laughed all the way when I told her everything and showed her the 'evidences'.

Once again, happy birthday, my dear lil sister ;*

© Jessica Yamada 2011
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A little addition here:
We just got ourselves a "Stylish Blogger Award" inherited by fellow blogger; Indi Kecil Babbit, yay!! She's such a sweet lady :D
Here's a screenshot from her blog and her lovely statement on my Facebook.
Thanks a lot, Indi dear ;*

elle and jess