April 06, 2011

Have you read today's newspaper?

..cause I'm gonna tear it apart and use it as my wallpaper.

Remember my old photos back in 2009, when I used newspaper as the background?
It was all started because I entered GoGirl! Holiday Project - Celeb Pict Immitation... *I chose Bjork.

...and I got the 1st prize!!
I think I have to thank her quirkiness that made it stood out among the other contestants'!

After the photoshoot session was finished, I felt like it was such a waste to throw the papers right away.
"Why don't I use them again for another photoshoot?"

And so I did...

And again in 2011...

GOWIGASA Zebra Printed Skirt

Isn't it funny that I have the same bangs as my 2009 photoshoot?
I just realized it by the time I'm typing this.

Stradivarius Shirt

Faved! And no, that's not my underwear.


Just pretend you don't see the ruined paper down there.


Hahaha I know they are out of context (no newspaper background),
please excuse my vanity.

April 05, 2011

Hello, Stranger!

GOWIGASA sheer outerwear, Necklace from Forever21, Adorable Ring from Bangkok

Anyway I'm SO excited to see Bruno Mars tomorrow!! Gotta learn all the lyrics tonight so I can sing along at the show! :D

April 04, 2011


Recently I found myself drowning in Korean dramas. I can't believe it myself because I thought they were just another boring-predictable-cheesy love stories.
However, I finished THREE titles in ONE week (You're Beautiful, Dream High, and Mary Stayed Out All Night), yet there are still another five series lying around waiting to be watched wtf.

Those dramas are like dope!! I'm telling you, Korean is an expert when it comes to re-live the 'prince who rides a white horse' tales. The romantic stories, the jokes, and the FREAKISHLY handsome men are so addictive that I sacrificed my whole weekend just to watch them. There was even one day when I just sit through the series, munching some tons of snacks, PLUS I didn't even get the chance to change my pajamas.

How unproductive was that? But as John Lennon said, "Time you enjoy wasted, was not wasted." and I enjoyed every minute of it. ;)

Anyway, there were side effects from watching too many Korean dramas, as for me... I've become a big fan of JANG GEUN SUK!!! I CUT MY OWN BANGS.
At first, I didn't realize it was because of Korean dramas. I thought I just got bored with my hair style (as usual). It was until Jess teased me the other day, "It's a good thing you watched those Korean dramas, at least it made you cut your bangs." (Yep, she is such a fan of bangs).
Hm maybe she's right. Maybe I DID get influenced by those Korean girls.

These are some pictures I took to memorize my last looks when I still got side-swept bangs.

So this:

Plus this:

Resulting in

So which style do you think suits me better? :)

p.s. The scissors can be bought in the FoodHall for only IDR 22.000.

April 03, 2011

Dance Dance Dance!

A tribute to Narcissus, that infamous guy who loved himself too much it created the term -as we all know by now- "Narcissism". Enjoy ;)

Song by Lykke Li - Dance Dance Dance.

elle and jess
© Jessica & Elissa Yamada 2011

April 01, 2011

Sing, April!

Hey there!
For the first post on this blog, I'd like to share my last Feb Singapore trip, sorry it's a bit too late. Well enough words, here's some pics to enjoy! :)

 The hotel that I stayed in, GREAT achitecture!!!

Yansen and his little sister, Jean Tania. Say hi to the petite darling! :D

Acting like I was sunbathing, when in fact I didn't! We were in a hurry because the rest of the family was waiting for us downstairs to have lunch.

Yes, I tiptoed. Damn he's tall. <3

At Bugis Junction. My sister said Yansen looks like a dork here LOL, cute dork yes?

Wearing GOWIGASA's Lady Stripey Dress. ;)

I bet you all are craving for some noodles now! And I hope you're reading this at midnight! HAHAHA

Abusing Jean's instax camera haha, so in love with all the results!! Maybe because of its blurry effect idk.

Brother to sister. I've always wanted to have a big brother!

Luckily you are like a brother to me too. :)

My first look on Lookbook.nu! Yep, I finally got myself a lookbook account and I wonder why I didn't sign up earlier! So lazy, I know.
But seriously, it's FUN and the best part is, it can encourage you to DRESS UP and take a PICTURE of yourself every day!
I guess by doing so, you can love yourself more and of course, be more confident! It's healthy, cmon!

The more I look at the photos above, the stronger my urge to cut my bangs.

There is something strange about this picture. Of all the pictures taken from the instax camera, only this one (featuring Yansen and I) came out with Donald&Daisy theme!!!
The other ones are Mickey and friends, never Donald&Daisy or Mickey&Minnie. Hmm this must means something hehehe..

See? Minnie and Daisy!!
Anyway, sorry for the crappy quality, my scanner is not working currently.

He wasn't sad or contemplating of jumping off the pool, he was just cold and not brave enough to move!! Haha

The water was REALLY cold that day, no kidding!!

Photo courtesy of Jean Tania. ;)

I'm so into his wide smile.

My fave pic of Jean. <3

Went straight to be my twitter avatar, love it max!

Sexyyy!!! *sniffsniff*

Arrgh a bit blurry, but I love the natural expression she has!

Notice the bruise? Yep I get bruised damn easily, sometimes without knowing how and when I got them.

Loving my cat-eye sunglasses from Mango.

Love this pic the most!! It would've been perfect without the guy who's swimming behind me!
But thanks to Photoshop...


